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Everything posted by ILoveWinter

  1. Yeah those winters really stunk! Some of those were my college years in the DC area and it was even worse there than it was here. I think there were maybe 2 "ok" events (3-5 inches max) in my 4 years there but not completely sure.
  2. It's more about your reputation and the way you framed your post: It looks like the La Niña is strengthening….again. Would it kill you to actually say there is at least a shot next week?! Anyway, someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is the first real trackable period in November since 2018 with that storm that overperformed and where NYC was unprepared for snow removal.
  3. I was at that debacle last night. I was constantly monitoring the radar and while it was certainly a tricky call earlier in the evening, it was clear that by 830 the rain would last for at least another hour. It should have been called then.
  4. Rain was very heavy overnight here in the UWS, woke me up a few timed starting at 330
  5. My comment was really about the entire metro but regardless, a short vs. long term drought in a specific part of our metro is not extreme.
  6. Exactly. The number of drought comments in the past few weeks/months would lend someone to believe that it's been one of the worst of all time! Yes it's been quite noticeable in some areas (certainly on the surface) but the reservoirs never really dropped to anything considered to be a "low" level (I think 90% of normal was a number I saw a month ago?). It's certainly not even remotely close to the West. Not saying we didn't need some rain but the raininess of the past few days through to Wednesday was not THAT badly needed!
  7. Yea agree, dreary, cool and wet since Saturday and lasting till Wednesday. Awful!
  8. Too abrupt of a transition if you ask me. Rather we ease our way into the chilier weather. And yes "ilovewinter" (tho maybe I just love tracking winter storms?!) but we aren't there yet.
  9. Yea sort of agree here. I'm a summer or winter weather lover, not a fan of the dreary and chilly weather we can get in between!
  10. Interesting. Reminds me of many occasions where the track of a winter storm/N'or Easter predicted 5 days out ends up being the closest to being accurate (until it's only 24 hours out).
  11. Was at the Yankee game last night, the rain was torrential and lasted for quite a long time, pretty crazy night!
  12. True that a western track is better but considering that this will stall out around the Tampa latitude just makes it a slightly "less bad" outcome for them as a result of storm surge
  13. Pouring in the UWS, not sure how in the world the NWS went with a 30% pop in their afternoon update considering how the radar looked!
  14. Can't really complain about this sort of pattern in June! Low to mid 80s is great.
  15. Yea supposed to go to the Yankee game tonight but having second thoughts
  16. At least in June this sort of pattern translates into mid to sometimes upper 70s which honestly isn't THAT bad (I'd prefer low to mid 80s). I mean a month ago this would have really stunk.
  17. Temps have fallen herein the UWS around 8-9 degrees in the past 20 minutes to around 81. Not quite as rapid as 1 mile to my east in the UES where once the front passed an hour or so ago they pretty quickly dropped to the low 70s. Crazy variation! Maybe the tall buildings in between impeded the flow?
  18. I am pretty close to that 91 in the UWS/Lincoln Square. I can confirm the front just passed a few minutes ago, def getting noticeable cooler
  19. Sitting out on my balcony here in the UWS and def still hot, not sure when this thing will come but it does look like it has already gone thru parts of northern and western Queens
  20. Still scorching at 88 here in the UWS
  21. Interesting, will be cool to see how this plays out
  22. At this rate the western parts of NYC may get it before western LI! Didn't even know this to be a possibility!
  23. You should post the minute by minute obs between 8AM and 9AM when the temp dropped 20 degrees or so in 10 minutes!
  24. BDCF just about to push through Sag Harbor and Southold. Easily visible on the OKX radar. Interesting shape too - sort of a backward "S" shape as it curves north-westward over the Sound into CT and then north-eastward from the CT coast to the interior and then curves northwestward again.
  25. Ok thanks, 6PM makes more sense, thought it was 8.
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