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Everything posted by WxWatcher007

  1. That’s crazy. How much the last 90 days?
  2. You know, I try not to become CT’s version of TBlizz, but then things like this happen.
  3. We have an untapped environment and decent CAPE, so it’s definitely possible. Can see it picking up to the north and west.
  4. Another nice one up near North Amherst. We’d appreciate something like that here later.
  5. Flood potential around Springfield with that cell. It’s dumping there.
  6. Thursday definitely looks interesting. Hopefully some good storms today too.
  7. Ray returns with soul crushing realism for tropical weenies Looking forward to hitting the road this season. Still skeptical of the more aggressive seasonal forecasts despite outrageous SST anomalies and depth in the basin.
  8. I will always believe that oppressive starts at 70° dews. I’d slide those numbers down a bit as a result.
  9. Need that trough west otherwise it’s recurve city in August
  10. I think it’s too weak and too far away but I don’t really know.
  11. It’s fantasy of course, but I think the broader signal for tropical activity is real.
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