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Everything posted by WxWatcher007

  1. Hard not to be at least intrigued by the look going forward.
  2. Hard not to have doubts, but congrats. Good to see you get a solid snow.
  3. Have you ever considered property ownership in the great state of Connecticut?
  4. 1.3” Good little afternoon period of SN imby. Still waiting for a statewide feast for my brethren here in the lowlands of Connecticut.
  5. Yeah—did fairly well here. Love to see it. It’s so bad but it works brilliantly.
  6. Congrats to everyone that got on the board! Love the pictures.
  7. For what’s going to be an ugly rainer midweek, I actually don’t mind getting numbers on the board (possibly) twice this week.
  8. If we keep it STRICTLY model discussion, everything will be fine. Just keep the fire extinguisher on standby when you open each suite up.
  9. 37.1/32 A few flakes mixed with rain in those heavier echoes a few minutes ago.
  10. If they could they’d probably do an advisory for you and nothing for me. Just have to get the CCB going good tomorrow. At least we get the rain out of the way first.
  11. The Valley is not the place to be in the winter lol The GFS would be a win IMO. Crushed up in Maine.
  12. Not a flake here. No expectations and I’m pretty sick right now. Oh well.
  13. I will feel much better about prospects of getting to climo here if the active pattern continues after the pattern change. I’m just dubious of it right now.
  14. Right. It is what it is. I am happy that at least part of the subforum is likely to cash in. Hope we can get in on the fun too.
  15. Yup, and we know that’s usually fraudulent. Always a long shot, but Monday is on life support here. Still time for the second wave.
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