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Everything posted by fountainguy97

  1. Congrats to all! Unfortunately a shutout here. Mountains robbing moisture for me today.
  2. I have never seen so much salt on roads ever. They have it a quarter inch thick over here lol. All the cars are white from salt.
  3. Air is extremely dry but cloud deck has slowly started to descend here. Hoping for another .5 before we warm up!
  4. Went to bed when radar was thinning out. Woke up 2 hrs after returns faded away and it's still coming down good. 12 degrees.
  5. This "historically" boring cold front finally has made it here. Dropping a degree every 5 min as about any front does
  6. This storm was always going to be tough to get anything good out of. Stinks we are reduced to flake watching but it is what it is. cold will still be epic!
  7. there seems to be more precip ahead of Front than expected. Back side doesn't look bad but it's not super strong either. Downsloping going to annihilate this I'm afraid.
  8. Precip depiction is off. Real transition is back here. But it won't be long either way.
  9. Hrrr is quietly showing some NW flow tomorrow afternoon.
  10. Any good traffic cams out there along I-40? Starting to impact that area now
  11. There is a lot of precip out in front of this thing. More than I thought there would be
  12. I'll be interested to see the transition tonight. Do we go straight rain to snow? Or an inbetween? And as pointed out a big question still remains in regards to our moisture. The DGZ will be on the ground. So we could end up with basically freezing mist for hours after.
  13. Hard not to get excited for my area. Should be brief blizzard-like conditions tonight!
  14. this is primarily for upslope regions. Rations will be 25:1 a couple hours after frontal passage. That means .04 qpf is an inch of snow. Tiny qpf changes matter a lot here. More than normal. brief blizzard conditions will be possible across most of the area tonight. This is going to be fun!
  15. Our complaining worked because hrrr is again back to beefing up totals.
  16. Hrrr is not a fan of eastern areas. Hopefully we see it trend wetter this afternoon.
  17. Honestly. I think the B word could be thrown around. Atleast brief Blizzard conditions. Hrrr has an absolutely ripping frontal passage across the whole state. It won't be much snow but it will be some of the most severe winter conditions most places have seen in a long time.
  18. Unfortunately ugly trends today for most. This arctic air mass sucks the life out of our moisture way too fast. It's a curse in disguise really. Parent low too far north so we can't tap into any extra NW flow energy. Not a non-event by any means! But this will be a pretty brief 1-2hr changeover to snow before the moisture dries up. fun fact: this will be by far the slowest start to winter in the short 4 years I've been here. (I know we have been spoiled the last few decembers. Still makes me sad lol)
  19. Models really drying this front up as it makes its way across. EURO may end up correct after all haha
  20. The hrrr is simply jaw dropping. Most places lose 20-30 degrees in a single hour.
  21. Hrrr pumping out good totals. NWS across the state are going to be forced to acknowledge these meso-models soon.
  22. Looks like models mostly held serve at 0z. Atleast GFS has some NAM support at 6z. 06z gfs holds serve. Ticking north a touch a 500mb but nothing major. It and NAM are lock step. Euro still north.
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