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Everything posted by TheDreamTraveler

  1. High tomorrow is 47. NWS said Harrisburg has never had a temp that low during the day in May. The previous record was 48. That's kinda crazy...
  2. Yeah, if we don't get a vaccine in the next year or so or find any type of cure then I don't see how we'll be able to handle doing this for years. We might have to end up letting it spread and herd immunity taking over and that's only the last resort option we should choose because the amount of deaths would be astronomical in that case :\ I'll stop talking about this since it's cluttering up the weather talk.
  3. Oh I hate this just as much as you do. I don't want the economy closed, nobody does. I mean I've seen a few people outright say they'd rather open everything back up now and let people die just for the economy. I think the decision for places to start opening back up starting Mid-May is a smart one because I think we can open a big portion of the economy during the summer. But once we get deep into September what do you think will happen? Cold and Flu seasons start ramping back up and so will coronavirus. Except this time Covid will be even worse than it was this year because it's now firmly established in society and will have a full season to wreck havoc. Imagine what would happen if we don't close anything down or take preventive measures next winter? I'm not looking forward to it either.
  4. I should ask...why do you think a lot of hospitals in lower populated areas are half empty right now? It wouldn't be because of the school and business closures? Or the quarantining and stay at home orders etc...? I could go on. You take those away too soon and you repeat history just like the Spanish flu of 1918/19... But yeah everything is completely SOAKED out there right now. I also heard this May might be a lot cooler than average which kinda sucks...especially right now a hot humid May would be great for what we've been experiencing the past few months :\
  5. This is how it should be this time of year. Beautiful out except for some cloudiness. This cold april and really warm winter made it feel like it's been March for 6 months straight now.
  6. It feels like winter came back. How in the hell is it almost may lmao
  7. It's a saving grace that the peak was delayed for central PA. If the state and the people here weren't doing what we're doing the spread and the overwhelming of hospitals would be way worse over here. I mentioned my cousins in law's parents both from Lancaster going into ICU both on ventilators in early April. Well...the mom was finally released. The dad was taken off a ventilator because he wasn't getting any better. I assume that means he's going to die since that was the only thing keeping him alive. They gave his ventilator to someone else who's more likely to survive from one. This whole situation is sad and anyone who isn't taking it seriously is ignorant. Some people don't care until it hits someone they really care about.
  8. Only reason some people don't like to mention JB is he's been slowly falling off a cliff. I used to love the hell out of him and watched him everyday. Even subscribed to weatherbell back in the early 2010's partly for him. Why do I have a love/hate relationship with him now? Well just the other week he thought a twitter technical glitch was a conspiracy to silence his stance on climate change. He's starting to lose his marbles
  9. I wish they would enforce those fines and jail time here in PA. My cousins in law's parents are both in the hospital on ventilators right now in Lancaster. Shit is getting bad guys.
  10. Yeah was even worse here. Was supposed to be 73 here. Also good to hear they're doing better. Been hearing some pretty chilling numbers. The Trump administration was saying a good case scenario with deaths would be 100,000-200,000 :\\\
  11. It just poured for hours earlier. Some impressive thunder and lightning. It's rare seeing it that strong with it only being 49 degrees earlier.
  12. I just read on my twitter feed a person who's friend that was 25 died from COVID-19 and they said how walking a little made them feel like they ran a mile. They ended up dying after being denied testing and not considered a priority because they didn't meet the criteria for testing despite having every single symptom and being extremely sick. The people said they couldn't prove they were around someone that had Covid so they were denied. Extremely sad. Keep an eye on your family member. This 25 yo went into cardiac arrest after not getting to a hospital after 2 weeks. People who are young think they're invincible from this but I'm young and pretty worried. Well tbh I'm petrified of giving this to my parents or grandparents.
  13. Beautiful day in the sun at 62. 70 tomorrow. Normally temps like this would feel amazing at the end of winter but we've been so used to all the warmth that it doesn't feel that out of place like it normally would.
  14. I stopped having hope 2 months ago because I'd see the same thing every other day that the models had some decent snowstorm 2 weeks out and it always ended up as nothing. It'd be nice sure but it's definitely not looking likely. Temps here are in the 50s and 60s for the next 2 weeks. I wish I was wrong lol but I guess Harrisburg is gonna end up at 5 inches for the entirety of the snow season.
  15. Looking at temps for the next 10 days really doesn't have me hopeful for any snow. 2019-20 might go down as one of the least snowiest seasons on record for harrisburg. After saturday the next 12 days after that don't even have low temps getting below freezing.
  16. The bulbs in my parents front yard are already sprouting. I don't think I've ever seen them come up this early ever.
  17. Next few days are gonna be really nice at least. Still stuck with 5 inches of snow for the season so far :x
  18. North Carolina possibly getting more snow from one storm than some of us in PA for the entire season is pretty hilarious ngl
  19. I'm gonna be shocked if we don't get much more snow for the season. But looking at the next 10 days it looks incredibly nice if you don't like the cold. 4 days below 50 and then the rest of the time is just 50's where I am. A ton of the nighttime lows are closer to what the daytime averages should be. Here in Enola I've only gotten 5 or 6 inches of snow so far but here's hoping maybe we get a big storm at the end of the month or March to make up for this. Also I had to kill 12 mosquitoes in my house 3 days ago. I've never seen them this early ever in my life.
  20. Looks like a lot of areas are tied for record highs today. It's 64 here now which is tied with the record of 64 in 1991.
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