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Everything posted by TheDreamTraveler

  1. We've still got a few more hours but yeah I'm not feeling too hopeful we see anything
  2. Do you mean a better chance for severe weather or less? I know there's a chance it could get farther south but not sure if it getting past Michigan means that or not
  3. For a second I thought you meant Brood X and I was like wait...but yeah I did notice the annual cicadas outside the past few days. Makes the morning and afternoons so much more relaxing with them lol
  4. Just nonstop intense wind and rain the past 15 minutes now. Isn't letting up. We're definitely gonna get another 1-2 inches from this. And this after maybe 8 inches of rain from the past week or so
  5. Well time to add more to the rain total for the week lol
  6. The view I have outside my windows is phenomenal. You can perfectly see that line and the outflow
  7. Everything completed flooded. My dad said he's never seen his yard flood like this or it rain so hard like this so often in a few days. There's just nowhere for the water to go. Water was piling up that it started spilling into his pool
  8. Alright nevermind today is worse. 88 with a 72 dew point lol the sun being out makes such a huge difference
  9. Still pouring. The amount of rain we've gotten these past 3 days has been insane and it's supposed to rain tomorrow too
  10. Yeah have had a nice thunder and lightning show here, was watching it outside with my dad. Summer 2020 was probably the least stormy year I can remember Starting to pour here now
  11. Before it started raining the ground was still wet from yesterday. That's how much it rained before these new storms came. Crazy stuff
  12. We got some of the worst wind of the year from these storms. It knocked over so many things outside. Two super heavy umbrellas fell over lol
  13. Yeah I'm curious about that too. The center of the storm could still hug the coast on its way up so I guess it depends how big the moisture envelope of Elsa is
  14. I'm surprised they didn't do a heat advisory where I live when it felt like 105 multiple days in a row last week lol
  15. Yeah Mount Holly NWS mentioned it about the Canadian wildfires impacting the air quality today
  16. Just came here to say that. It's dark as hell out there right now lol
  17. That storm around harrisburg was an absolute bullseye for me here. Really awesome approach and duration so far
  18. It's very rare any places see 100 around here often. We tied the record high here today at 97 so i'm assuming a lot of other places beat theirs by a few degrees
  19. I'm surprised there's been zero derechos this year. Normally there's one in at least some part of the country by the time June is finished. Every year the past decade except for 2019 there's been one or more by this time lol. That's good though because derechos are not fun...almost forgot about the Iowa one last year and how everyone living there basically got forgotten for 2 weeks after it happened
  20. Literally the past 3 days there have been storms that appeared directly west of harrisburg but they eventually disappeared and didn't move far enough to get directly over harrisburg afik. I was actually wondering if the same thing'll happen again today
  21. It's not even 11 am yet and it's already 90 degrees right now with a dew point of 71...geez
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