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Everything posted by TheDreamTraveler

  1. I thought this was kinda interesting. I guess it gives more perspective on being in a high risk for flooding. Kinda mindblowing places in high risk accounted for 92% of all flood damage
  2. I was out on 81 near the Pike and was having it drizzle a bit but that was about it
  3. Basically since May 2019 there was only one high risk for flooding put out until now. Crazy
  4. Something I noticed was that central PA's worst flooding events were in 1936, 1972 and 2011 and all of them had 40 years give or take between them. So us getting another potential record so soon after Lee would be kinda crazy if it can rival those
  5. jesus lol...we got 10 inches from Lee over the span of 5 days in 2011...that would be Lee's amount but in less than half the time...
  6. A lot of people living in apartments don't have a yard to do that and if they do it outside risk getting fined or accidentally starting fires. People like that don't have things like grills either. It's easy to not realize how terribly off some people are if you don't live in their shoes. Some are completely screwed here.
  7. Hearing these reporters telling you to make sure you boil your water due to a boil water advisory and then seconds later say how so many people still have no electricity is just really funny. You can't boil water without power unless you have something that can heat up water like propane tanks etc which not everyone has
  8. I don't know why anyone doubted him. NHC had this getting to 140mph but people just shrugged it off because it wasn't getting strong fast enough for them and came up with all these reasons why it wouldn't get much stronger lol
  9. lmao yeah i saw this on other boards. people were like WOW I WASNT EXPECTING THIS!! despite the fact NHC had this getting to 140mph the day before. there was just a ton of people downplaying it or thinking they somehow knew it wouldn't get powerful lol
  10. Getting Lee vibes with all that rain. Damn. We got 10 inches from Lee. This isn't that far from it if it rains that much lol
  11. Isn't this guy the same guy who was arguing nonstop about radar attenuation during a hurricane last year and it took up pages of the storm discussion right before landfall because he apparently wasn't right or something? lol
  12. Does anyone have any links to good livestreams of people out in Ida? I know a ton of people went down there streaming it lol. I searched around but having a hard time finding anything
  13. I'll for sure as hell never forget Lee. That week of flooding was the craziest I ever saw. I had to get somewhere in hershey during that and every other road I tried to drive through was flooded and I couldn't drive through. Then the roads buckled in certain places. I don't think I ever saw the river as high as I did that time. But that also came with one of the wettest years on record and Irene had hit a few weeks prior so everything was soaked But yeah looking at the gfs and euro I think we're looking good for a ton of rainfall in the next few days. For me personally the past 2 months have been insane in terms of rainfall. I think we've already gotten like 12 inches of rain lol
  14. It looks a thousand times better right now than it did a few hours ago. I think people just aren't impressed because they've been expecting RI this entire time. With almost nothing to impede development this has a lot of time to gradually gain strength until landfall tomorrow evening
  15. I'm ready for the fall. Even if it's gonna rain that day I'm sick of the heat lmao
  16. Hurricane track accuracy has improved a ton since 2005. It might not seem like it but it's gotten much more accurate in the past 16 years. Especially for a storm 3 days out I think we have a good idea where it's heading.
  17. Yeah. Still shocked how far west the rain shield actually came though. It's on the edge of harrisburg right now. Any farther west and we would have gotten a ton more rain lol
  18. Getting a tiny bit of rain here surprisingly lol. Doubt we really get anything over here. Points east are getting hit pretty good though
  19. The infrastructure in a lot of places is absolutely crumbling so it wouldn't surprise me if it took that long lol
  20. There have only been 8 hurricanes to strike new england since 1900...a category 1 is a very rare event even if it doesn't seem so because we're used to tracking powerful canes in the south. two cat 3's, three cat 2's and three cat 1's in over 120 years
  21. Yeah I'm wondering that too. It really depends on how strong Henri gets. If it gets stronger it'll be tugged to the west a bit more. Curious how much rain we get over here though
  22. UKMET went into long island again? wtf. it's not like it's a bad model or anything. wonder why its been showing that multiple times now
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