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Everything posted by TheDreamTraveler

  1. The 2011-2012 time was such a wild period for weather. We had that record Halloween noreaster in October and then had some of the hottest months on record with barely any snow. I remember it being so hot in the 60s/70s and even a few 80s for almost 2 months straight. Then once the warmth went away late March/early April we had that April noreaster
  2. Looks like there's a Slight risk for severe storms tomorrow mostly on the eastern part of PA with Marginal risk for most of the eastern half of the state. Wondering if the slight risk ends up getting extended further west
  3. Everyone just decided to mow their grass at the same time here lmao I hear like 3 going off at once
  4. Hoping you feel better man. As much as I love snow I also love it when it gets really warm in the spring. It does a ton to help my mood too so hopefully we get some of that
  5. When I went out earlier today had bright shining sun with rain. Always pretty cool to experience lol
  6. Just had the loudest boom of thunder and craziest lightning I haven't seen since last summer out of nowhere lol
  7. It's nice seeing so much level headedness in this forum. It's refreshing. I will say though over the years what I learned is that we're all more similar than we all lead ourselves to believe despite the differences in views we all may have. I feel it's important we all stick together regardless since the more divided we are the easier we fall as a nation. That's just my view on it
  8. Yeah that's a good point. I guess it just varies on what everyone's schedules are and what they're doing. I'm usually not up until late in the morning so I'm probably a bit bias lol
  9. We'd be permanently in spring ahead mode so it wouldn't effect that. I think it gets confusing when they say get rid of DST. We'd basically always be an hour forward year round instead of for half the year
  10. I mean are you spending that time in the morning outside and doing casual stuff or having fun? That's more my point lol. I'd rather have extra sunlight in the evening to do more stuff outside. Like imagine it's december and you got a really nice warm day but instead you got an extra hour of daylight instead when you get home from work
  11. Thank god. It sucks losing an hour of daytime in the evening. I'd much rather have the sun rise later in the morning since most people are sleeping away that daylight anyway and can't spend that time outside
  12. Roads were a nightmare this morning around 6 am. Just so many long stretches of random areas covered in snow from the blowing drifts and ice in certain spots from what melted earlier in the day. You'll be driving normally and then boom run into snow with almost no warning. Even the highways had snow on them in a few spots. Thankfully most of it has melted by now
  13. That was a fantastic snowstorm and a great way to end the season in the nick of time. Super impressive given the fact it's the middle of March with this type of sun angle and the fact it was warm and sunny the previous day with some areas 60 degrees or higher. And that it all fell in 7 hours
  14. the snow is really blowing out there now. probably the most wind driven snow i've seen this winter
  15. basically need 35mph sustained winds i think to meet blizzard criteria. all the other criteria should already be met
  16. Rain only lasted for maybe 20 minutes before changing over to snow. I think it's still snow. At the rate I've seen it fall the roads will cave soon. Temp fell by almost 10 degrees in an hour lol
  17. Still 44 degrees here at 4:30 am but winds have definitely kicked up a ton
  18. thundersnow would be amazing. i think its been 6 or more years since we've had any here
  19. Yeah same. Depends on how much and how hard it snows. Pavement is definitely gonna lose a few inches for sure. If it wasn't 60 degrees today and having rain start off then we'd probably get more on pavement
  20. Yeah that's what they seem to be saying from what I've read
  21. So is the severe outlook even going to be a thing today? One of my weather apps is saying about there being a potential for severe thunderstorms today now lol Actually nevermind I took a look and we're in Slight risk
  22. Had some crazy wind out of nowhere with that line of storms moving through. Was also pouring heavily
  23. 60 at 1 am is pretty nice honestly. having the windows open while going to bed
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