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Everything posted by CoolHandMike

  1. Anybody getting wet yet? We've had maybe 2 drops. More storms are forming to the west and temps/DP's are still up there (though we've fallen to the upper 80's mercifully).
  2. Amazing. That big storm that was headed my way SPLIT IN TWO. It's going to go completely around me. What the heckin' heck.
  3. It was a couple of weeks ago, I don't think I've seen then since (might have been a one-off kinda thing--you can see them on the website but it shows unavailable at my location). However you can get them on Amazon for about the same price ($40 ish).
  4. Yeah I'm not sure about that one. The real feel from my PWS is only 105 or so.
  5. A line just started firing just west of the Susquehanna. Could we actually pick up some decent action this afternoon?
  6. It's actually throwing quite a bit of lightning around for such a small popup.
  7. Actually that was an hour ago. RDG says 95 now. Check out that "real feel" though...
  8. Reading Airport says it's 97°F!!! "Only" 92 at my house, a mile away.
  9. I bought one of those Bug-A-Salt guns at Lowes a couple of weeks ago. Shoots a pinch of regular table salt, accurate to around 3' or so. It was an impulse buy, but I totally used it on that nymph I saw yesterday.
  10. Yeah the radar has been such a tease lately. I hate to say it, but I think you're right--more of the same today. Oh well.
  11. Got up to 95 here today. Waited until the very last to go out and do yard work again, as did several of our neighbors. I can't wait to be able to sit outside for any length of time and enjoy all the fruits of our labors... in September. This might not be wx related, but I saw my first SLF nymph yesterday, and the Japanese beetles have shown up and are steadily chomping through my herb garden and petunias, of which we have quite a few. Bastards. Noticed the clouds to the NW had some cool, sunset backlighting earlier and snapped a pic. Notice the bunny brazenly sitting in the middle of the road. My wife has been doing battle with those as well. One by one we are swapping out the plants they apparently like to eat with ones they hopefully don't. Bastards.
  12. Big, puffy cumulus starting to build in from the west. Hope they continue to move south and east; it's starting to get dry out again and I see some juicy storms popping up north of Harrisburg.
  13. I don't know if I already posted this, but my wife actually made this. It counts down to the actual celestial minute for when fall starts. https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20210922T0931&p0=4383&msg=Countdown+to+Fall&font=cursive
  14. We got down to 70 but yeah. Looks like I'll be doing late evening string trimming tonight. At least my trimmer runs on battery so it shouldn't annoy the neighbors too much.
  15. Finished mowing a little while ago. I had let the back go due to being chased off by t-storms and then between all the other weather and work, I couldn't find the time to attack it until now. It's probably been two weeks if not more! My little push-mower made it--barely. I know I'm going to have to rake up a bunch of dried clippings tomorrow but at least it's cut. Anyway, it wasn't too disgusting out since I waited until the very last possible moment of daylight.
  16. I feel that. I recently installed a router on one end of the house ethernet to give better wifi coverage for my security cameras and other random RasPi's. Going in and editing all the configs for three different Pi's isn't fun but at least it's worth it in the end. Back OT: Yep, still yucky out.
  17. Ok now that's something to aspire to. I'm the same way though--far too many projects and too little time. Very neat!
  18. Quick and dirty Excel. Thanks! Edit: just noticed the scale is off for the Allentown one. Dangit. I'ma fix that real quick. Edit edit: Fixed.
  19. Spend my lunch break looking up historical data? Sure, why not! I found average July temp and DP for Allentown, Philadelphia and New Castle from 2004-2020. The results are interesting: Conclusions: July 2009 was much cooler on average than the other sample years. There does appear to be an upward trend in temperature in all three locations over the course of the study. There appears to be a more pronounced upward trend in dewpoint for Allentown and Philadelphia, but if there is one in New Castle, it does not appear as noticeable. New Castle's flatter trend lines may be due to it being closer to the ocean and thus more susceptible to maritime moderation. Caveat: this data might be statistically insignificant--however, I would posit that these values are something the majority of us would have experienced first hand, so therefore they are significant. July does appear to have gotten steamier in our region since 2004, @KamuSnow.
  20. Actually, looking at some of the other PWS dotting my area, we're not that much higher. Here's mine: And here's one a couple of miles to my east: But then again, we still have the rest of the month to go, and this is one small sample from Reading, so obviously not representative of the region as a whole. Side note: this is the main reason I wanted a PWS, so I could do these kinds of comparisons and statistical analysis. I freaking love being able to do this. (nerd alert!) I just wish I could adjust the scales on these to make them match better, but hey it's free data.
  21. Half way into July my backyard station shows an average DP of 68.1°F. Might be worth it to try to find some data from years past in my area, but from a quick glance it appears that DP is a couple of degrees higher on average than this time last year.
  22. It's absolutely atrocious outside right now. My wife and I tried to do some simple yard work just now (clearing out some overgrown weeds behind my shed) and we were both completely drenched with sweat after only 10 minutes. Had to call it quits. And here I was, thinking I'd become acclimatized to this. Ha ha ha nope.
  23. Yep. I think there's an option to turn them off but I was in a panic to try to grab the screen in case my power went out. Here's the site I use: http://www.lightningmaps.org/?lang=en#m=ses;t=3;s=0;o=0;b=0.00;ts=0;
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