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Everything posted by CoolHandMike

  1. Cooled to 73.4 with light rain and distant thunder. Some of the thunderclaps near us sounded like artillery. It was awesome. The cat was not impressed.
  2. Absolutely POURING down rain right now. The cul-de-sac is now a lake. I think I see white caps...
  3. Seeing some nice storms bubbling up to my west. We got .83" yesterday, let's see if we get that much today. Still ugly-hot out, down from a high of 95.
  4. For sure. It's doing the "Reading Split". Oh well, can't complain with .8" for the day. Might get a few sprinkles from this as a consolation prize.
  5. Check out this shelf cloud! Looking west-ish out my front door.
  6. It must have poured like the dickens just before I got home. .8" from that one little storm! Drove through the remnants of it on the 176. Nice and cool now as well.
  7. There's a nice blob over Reading... just to my east. Like, less than a couple of miles away. Arg. (gonna have to water again tonight)
  8. Pretty hot here. Some nice CU starting to develop though.
  9. On one hand, the Pacific decadal oscillation is a thing that pros and amateurs alike have been trying to find correlations with our winter weather for, well, decades. OTOH, that would mean this winter's prone to suckage. I guess we'll find out!
  10. Caught this headline in the local rag: "Winter in Berks might be rough, forecasts and signals show" https://www.readingeagle.com/local-news/winter-in-berks-might-be-rough-forecasts-and-signals-show/article_2a893f8e-f771-11eb-935b-07a250729df9.html One (retired) met is calling this year analogous to 2010... Here's hoping!
  11. Man that radar looks so juicy to our south. I'll just settle for a nice, cloudy day I guess.
  12. Entering the dry season it seems. Two weeks ago, my lawnmower struggled to get through the lush grass in my back yard. I mowed it again 4 days later and it was still a bit tough. Then I wasn't able to mow it again for 10 days... no struggle at all this time. I have the feeling it's going to get pretty arid out there with no rain in the forecast until the end of next week! Looks like we'll be watering tonight. At least it's not too humid out, so that's nice.
  13. Spent a lovely day out in the field today. Looking forward to working outside in this unseasonably cool weather the rest of the week, though it's already looking like next week will be a scorcher. Ah well, enjoying it while it lasts. Speaking of, enjoyed spending a few minutes on the deck this evening until the mosquitos zeroed in. I've just cancelled my monthly lawn pest control service as it seemed to not work at all. My wife wants to try a biological approach, so we'll see how that turns out. Anyway, we decided to try to not turn on the A/C for as long as we could today and actually made it all day with only minor discomfort for my work-from-home wife and my stay-at-home mother-in-law. I think we're gonna try to see how long we can go as our electricity bill has been pretty atrocious this spring/summer already. Ceiling fans in almost every room for the win. About to turn in; really nice 62°F/57°DP atm. Make mine an extra spicy bloody Mary please, @Birds~69.
  14. Looks like the main red cell that was heading my way has decided to move south. We're still going to get rain, and it does look rather mammatus-y out there, but dang. Was hoping for a soaker.
  15. Oh my, that line does look pretty robust...
  16. Sun peaked out for half a second here. Just waiting for that line to split around me.
  17. My local WU forecast is calling for "heavy thunderstorms" around 8pm. That would be a lovely way to end the weekend.
  18. Oh my. Get to the basement or a bathroom if you don't have a basement.
  19. Holy moly that's a lot of lightning! Pretty much over here except for the scraps. Got .23", sitting at 75°F/72°DP
  20. Don't see any rotation on radar so I'm heading back out to the garage. This time with a nice, frosty beverage.
  21. I just sat in the garage with the door open listening to the light rain. Heard a little bit of distant thunder but that's it so far. Received a tornado warning for Northern Berks but that's way far away from us here in Reading, however it looks like a cell might be forming to my west though, so we'll se if it turns into something. .06" in the gauge so far, temp 77 and DP 74.
  22. Cell on the MD line north of Frederick has some potential to it. Keeping an eye on that one.
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