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Everything posted by chapelhillwx

  1. Lol! It says "MazdaFitment" in Japanese. Just a group/club of people with lowered Mazdas from all over.
  2. Been over a year since I posted here, so why not! Girlfriend and I at a gas station Other girlfriend and I at a wedding
  3. She was a slutty cat, and I was an actual cat; this being college and all.
  4. Girlfriend and I at Halloween. We were cats. Edit: not sure why it's sideways lol
  5. With rich Corinthian leather? Thanks! It was a fun car for a 16/17 year old to drive to school in.... Okay, I know this pic doesn't have me in it, but I couldn't resist. Here it is in my front yard with a friend's 1961 Continental convertible. (Stupid resizing made all the jagged lines.)
  6. Oh, you probably had the 460. Mine was a 400 and was absolutely anemic -- it took 13 seconds or so to get to 60 at full throttle. I had to drive it right after the Christmas Storm from CH to RDU to pick a friend up from the airport... while it was still snowing.... with non-working wipers.... non-working heat.... and summer tires. Even though I was sliding all over the place, I didn't hit anything; maybe it had something to do with the fact that drivers tend to avoid a 20 foot long barge gracefully slithering towards them.
  7. As long as we're posting pictures with cars, here's me in August with my Lincoln. Pic was taken at the bank.... I had to sell it.
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