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09-10 analogy

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Everything posted by 09-10 analogy

  1. Between the storms and the spectacular sunset, Tuesday was quite the memorable day. Did the derecho produce anything in the 90 range around here? College Park photos remind me of the June 1989 downburst in upper nw Chevy Chase. Still the most intense storm I’ve ever experienced
  2. Just like it used to be in my drinking days, I'm always up for another round.
  3. Lotta storm reports from NE MD. Here, this was a quick-hitter although it's back-loaded with some decent T&L which is always nice. I thought the outflow boundary from the N MD storms perpendicular to the storm might goose it a little locally, but ... Some nice pics posted here. I need a new phone ...
  4. Lotta lightning with this one. I'd say we gusted well into the 40s.
  5. The afternoon AFD is pretty bullish (boldface is mine): A line of severe thunderstorms, producing frequent lightning, very heavy rain, and damaging winds, are aligned from south- central Pennsylvania, across western Maryland, and into northern West Virginia. Large hail and tornadoes are also possible during the afternoon into this evening across much of our CWA. Additional severe thunderstorms are imminent given the amount of sunshine from this morning, large instability as some 0-3 km shear. A Severe Thunderstorm Watch is in effect until 10pm for our entire CWA. Also, a Flood Watch is in effect until midnight tonight for much of the metro areas of Baltimore and Washington DC and into southern MD and eastern VA. The metro areas could be greatly impacted between 4pm and 8pm with these severe thunderstorms. Don't often see that kind of strong language from them.
  6. If only G-Rod and Means weren’t on the shelf … thars a pretty good lineup they run out there one thru six these days ETA: just checked; O’s are FOUR out of the WC. Would like them to keep Trey, he deserves to be on a good run here if the O’s have it in them.
  7. No gauge but radar estimate has me in 2.5 to 3” range. Maybe 7-8” IMBY for the week? But most important to me … basement did not flood! ETA: wow at those 8-10” estimates just south of potomac
  8. But I love me an ominous-sounding AFD, and this afternoon's was a good 'un. Standard deviations! Higher magnitudes of forcing! One to five-to-ten year ... event! (Just a "hint," though.) Area of greatest concern! A new one: "hydrophobic." All it missed, was "lollipops." But I guess that's more a snow thing? This is NOT to poke fun at the forecasters at Sterling or the AFD's author! They are fantastic. I'm just a connoisseur of AFD's -- some of them are little works of art, I've saved Dewey's before PD2 somewhere -- and I always like the ones when the writer brings in a bit of drama.
  9. These past two days have been disgustingly yukky. I know we've had hot weather this year but it seems the humidity hasn't been as bad as per usual. I've usually acclimated to the typical DC summer miserable mugs by early July, but I've really been put out by the sheer ooziness of the past few days. Hopefully one of these training storms will give me a good light show in a bit, make up for it.
  10. It's raining hard, but I've certainly seen heavier. Then again, "heavier" in my head canon is June 2006.
  11. This is the definitive garden-variety thunderstorm. But I'm drinking because my wife and daughter are out of town, and I'm blasting Tom Waits and relieving the glories of bachelorhood. So it's OK. ETA: Although that was a pretty impressive strike just now. Rattled the windows I think.
  12. Clouds getting a bit of ye old mammatus look to my NW.
  13. Yeah, really nice V-shaped notch on that MOCO cell. Constant low rumbling thunder in upper NW, this one will miss to my north, but I opened the window because I love that sound. Nature's version of Jason Newsted. Well, maybe not *that* loud.
  14. Usually the infamous DC split is to the north and south. This time it’s to the east and west.
  15. Looking forward to a good multiple-round day tomorrow, with strong winds with the first go and plenty of CG with both. I'll prolly be disappointed, but one can always hope. If we have a "peak" thunderstorm season around here, we're probably in it now.
  16. Simply spectacular. Wish all summer was like this. We wouldn't get many storms, but MBY doesn't seem to get many this year anyway.
  17. Possibly “patchy frost” out in the mountains this weekend according to the latest AFD. When was the last time that may have happened on mid June around here?
  18. We’ve had mostly sunny conditions all day long and it is pretty gooey outside
  19. That was a hell of a storm. Tops to maybe 70k! Like to dial up something about 3/4 of that around here for the 10 year anniversary of the big D.
  20. Getting smoked in upper nw. Winds prolly gusting over 40 and it was quite the lightning show at the start though the cg kinda stopped when winds and rain hit
  21. It’s booming pretty good in up nw. A LOT of angry lightning bugs with this one.
  22. Our own little version of Moore OK or Tanner AL eta: decent winds gusted to maybe 40 here
  23. Yeah the afternoon afd said there might be another round
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