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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. HRRR looks good. Currently sleeting though, 32F.
  2. I buy that, the over amped solutions don't make sense given the progressive flow and tonight's/tomorrow system that'll drag the baroclinic zone eastward.
  3. Euro probably overdoing the amplification given the progressive flow. But it also has been the best performer overall so I can't discount it.
  4. This is a case where a fast, progressive flow is a good thing otherwise this would cut well inland. It's still a close call though, a lot can go wrong in 2-3 days.
  5. Oh how I wish the models were right and stayed the course. Additionally, the timing would be really good (Sunday night - Monday morning) for March.
  6. I'll take that any day this season. Every storm thus far this season has ended up too amped so flat is good.
  7. Which is why these late winter fluff events are like stocking stuffers. In March it's either go big or go home.
  8. Gonna keep an eye on Saturday, very sneaky coastal event. It'll be a close call for us. The quicker and more amped it gets the better for us and for the next storm.
  9. This time of year is why it's better to be in SNE than here. We'll get too crappy rain or white rain events and an interior snowstorm. I highly doubt this changes now.
  10. Not necessarily, a lack of blocking in a -EPO pattern also leads to very progressive systems, which can sometimes work out for us. Blocking can even occasionally cause a storm to get overamped and cut inland vs a more progressive scenario. It'll also be March where shortening wave lengths render the AO mute. The Euro looks way too amped to me, ensembles are much flatter.
  11. The other models are trending towards it and the Euro track fits the theme this season but I do think it's best to wait 2 cycles. A few days ago there was supposed to be a big cutter on Saturday and that won't happen.
  12. Then again we were supposed to get a huge cutter this week and that's not happening. So I'm gonna wait and see a couple more cycles. Also watching the Saturday system, I wouldn't be surprised if that drops a few inches on us.
  13. Don't see how this wouldn't either hug the coast or cut inland. I suppose what we've got going for us is that it's a weak, progressive system. But I think it's gonna screw the coastal plain just like all storm tracks this season.
  14. A colder March overall wouldn't shock me, that's been the theme lately. I think too many were quick to pull the torch trigger.
  15. Even if this were true, 1-3" is weak and I'm sick of these pathetic events. It might as well be rain.
  16. He's still trying to make up for the November storm. I agree that it's embarrassing, he's treating NJ like it's GA.
  17. Weak sauce overall, would be surprised if we saw anything outside some snow showers.
  18. Very strong winds right now. A few 50 mph gusts. It's gonna be a doozy of a morning.
  19. I'm starting to hear the winds outside. Probably 20-25 mph gusts.
  20. The late Feb/early March cold is legit. The strong -EPO has at the very least brought the cold this season. We'll probably see some teens with highs in the 20s early March before things warm up.
  21. Eh i think the Euro is more reasonable. Lots of confluence to the NE and a very weak system to boot.
  22. I believe that one was also forecast to be a good winter. We did manage to get one decent event during met winter. 2011/2012 is probably third worst because we knew ahead of time that it would be garbage. Plus it was at least warm and pleasant most of the time unlike this season which had legit cold periods. You know it's been a bad winter when DC had more snow than you or Boston (minus 09/10 of course).
  23. This pattern/storm track has been in place since November, it's been amazingly stable. The only difference between all rain vs any frozen/snow combo was how much arctic air was present prior to the cutter.
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