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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. Getting a significant snow event to the coast with a trough out west like that is unheard of. I expect further N&W trends so that the coast is mostly rain. At this point snowfall this year for the coastal plain will be relegated to February when the Pacific should improve.
  2. Still would rather be in New England though. Not a fan of that Pacific pattern
  3. Would be nice for those trends to continue
  4. It would just be bizarre because we're in a seemingly Nina background state but there's a strong Nino too. It's like two wrongs do make it right in this instance. At least there's something to track I suppose
  5. I doubt the volcano had much of an effect. The aerosols sure. It also doesn't help that we're lagging big time with renewables and clean energy. I think coal outputs reached record highs actually
  6. If it did produce it would be one of those oddball combinations which to be fair have been more frequent.
  7. Bluewave ain't encouraged and neither am I. Trough out west is a killer
  8. Pacific isn't good so you really want the 4th system to trend stronger, which in turn will lead to a better 50/50 for the following storm so it's not an inland runner. I would be surprised if this worked out for us. Pattern is not very good for snow. New England is in a much better spot. Still the key will be that 4th system. Perhaps the poor Pacific will allow that one to keep amplifying
  9. The storm that kicked off 2 decades of amazingly snowy seasons and killed the rut of those rough late 90s winters.
  10. Cold is dumping west and that's a smoothed out look. Probably would see more ridging in the east.
  11. Which means that day when he finally forecasts snow, it's definitely going to snow.
  12. So zero snow this year? And it's not just us, it's the entire CONUS
  13. You know its bad when so far this winter is starting out much worse than last year at this time (temp wise). And we had like 2" last winter.
  14. I'm not that mad if this ends up being another non-winter. There's a lot of positives to a warm winter. I just wish it wasn't so rainy. February will be the month to watch. Pacific looks like trash before that.
  15. Just compare each decade with previous decades and you'll get your answer. Warming has been steady if not accelerating and though cold/snowy periods still occur their frequency has diminished greatly. As things warm the frequency of wetter years will also go up. And though dry periods will occur, our region as a whole will see average rainfall totals go up.
  16. And yet some will say it's not as bad because it's not Dec 15. Well +5 against the highest normals is terrible. But I guess you could be +10 or better like folks further west
  17. Totally has nothing to do with AGW though. Just bad luck
  18. Most El Ninos don't really kick off winter until late Jan and Feb so that's probably our best shot this year. I think 15-20" could be reasonable as it wouldn't take much. The SSW timing would align well with Nino climo too given its lag time.
  19. At this point a single warning event would be a miracle. It's crazy that we're going on 2 years without one. Makes me lucky to be alive during the snowy 2000s & 2010s.
  20. Snow pack? Most would be lucky to see a snowstorm
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