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Everything posted by midatlanticweather

  1. Look, it is the same every year! When things look like they are trending wrong for our need of rain, cold, snow.. people are going to speak up. This is a definite trend on the last few model runs. Dryer systems has been a trend for many months now, so we should not be surprised. It stinks when we see these things happen, and we will express that. I agree I need to be less emotionally charged, but these Thanksgiving colder outlooks have failed multiple times the last few years. I think this should make me and others to take changes with caution. It stinks! Changing airmasses and patterns are likely to have problems! You do not need to stick around.. and but I will work on better posts!
  2. Ya.. I DO NOT like the trends. Not saying models have it figured out, but lately, when they do, things turn dry and less cold.
  3. The models are like the budget passers! They never deliver what they say when they say the will and kick the cold and potential storms down the road. Here we go again! I have seen this time and time again! HOWEVER, I would not mind seeing some flakes next week.. but soon we may get barely any precip and it could be a dry frontal passage! I hope not! My pessimism is rising.
  4. Wow! This does not look like an El Nino map to me!
  5. Let's keep getting snowpack in the source regions! https://x.com/RyanMaue/status/1724988203868766690?s=20
  6. 0z kind of took some wind out of my sail. I am not surprised and expect a lot of wild swings in the long range. I just want to track a legit system. It has been too long
  7. So I went on a walk the last hour and before I started I looked at the temperature and was surprised to see it in the low 50s. I thought my Guage must be wrong and asked Alexa the temperature and she said 37 degrees. I went outside to a mild evening. Started walking nd wend down a hill and it was like a wall of cold hit me. Immediately I was blowing steam and the temperature was cold. I started out of the little dip and just as dramatically the temperature rose. This happened a few more times on my hour walk. Quite the inversion out there. 52 at my house.. Drove the car and the temp in the dips is around 40! You can see it on this temp plot. One note, there is a slight breeze at my home but none in those dips!
  8. That looks like some true cold coming into the US close to Thanksgiving
  9. The fog is crazy out my way and temps below freezing now. Not a good thing. 31.5 degrees and 98% humidity. It looks cool as it really is ground fog.
  10. We need rain, but these fall days are glorious! 45 for a low! Up to 58 already!
  11. Ya. he was not happy. Fixed it for the future views.
  12. He messed up the label! LOL! He is on an FB live mentioning he was frustrated about it! Going with good Subtropical jet and a weakened PV which would allow for more phasing. He likely has more reasons than these.
  13. BWI: 24.5" DCA: 15.24" IAD: 24.7" RIC: 15.4" Tiebreaker SBY: 6.6"
  14. 24.2 for the low was great. My morning walk encouragers.
  15. 24.5 so far. Great cold morning. Off for a brisk walk
  16. Got down to 25.4 this morning. Beautiful walk though
  17. 33.3 degrees so far for the low today at 10:45pm!
  18. I would say it looks like there is a signal for a strong low end of next week. The details would probably not favor snow this early in the season (well, except maybe the mountains), but it does look like it brings another cold period right after it regardless of the details on rain, amounts, any snow close by. But, I wonder if that has sticking power. I am guessing not based on the progression. Always fun to be tracking signals again!
  19. The Euro is trending in the right direction! - Slowly the storm formation from the diving energy is aligning better! A few more improvements and it will be more interesting to watch.. BUT, I do not believe any of it!
  20. 33.7 for a low. Not bad! Frosty start.
  21. Already been down to 37.7..but the temp kind of stopped and is stuck. So nice and cold. Loving it
  22. In perfect step with my outlook saying Dulles and BWI would hit freezing, we will be having some warm temps! LOL!
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