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Everything posted by Maureen

  1. Totally agree. Some people are here just to share facts as they are, like those facts or not! Other people are here just to celebrate that it’s going to be warm, or specifically that there is no chance of snow simply to disappoint other people. Pathetic. At this point I have so many people on ignore that some days I’m missing entire pages! Well worth it.
  2. A little dusting around Carteret as the holiday season comes to a close.
  3. This clearly bears repeating. This is going on for pages and it’s enough already. Please and thank you.
  4. Not my business, but that's never stopped me before.... Why engage with anyone here who takes such glee in raining (pun) on your parade? People who love delivering 'bad' news about a forecast because they know it will disappoint snow-loving folks (or heat-loving folks) are a complete waste of energy and pretty pathetic. Stop feeding them. /back to business-minding
  5. Starting to stick to the pavement just a bit now in Carteret. It looked like it was fading away for a few moments, but now snowing at a pretty decent rate, at least at the moment. Seems like this is very hit and miss for everyone, not sure where we will end up here, but it’s a nice bit of December magic and as long as it’s not hazy hot and humid out I’m fine.
  6. So sorry!!! It’s the season of miracles so I hope you can forgive me!
  7. O/T - A lot of weenie "reactions" flying around in here! I wonder if at least some (though not @RayJay lol) were simply meant to be "likes," but once the weenie was added where it is a lot of us have mistakenly used it! Hmm, mods, was that done by design?
  8. I know how you feel, so sorry for the loss of your furry family member. Hope you get some of that snow to lift your spirits.
  9. Yes, have seen a few little flakes mixed with rain fly by in Carteret as well.
  10. That means a lot coming from you! Some true Winter Wonderland scenes.
  11. Took a drive up to Manchester, Vermont for the weekend. A bit of snow around some spots.
  12. I don't need snow and ice storms, I'd just like to be able to turn the air conditioner off and leave it off for more than a few days at a time without roasting :D So if we're not talking 80's-90's while I'm cooking T-Day dinner, I'm good! Thank you @donsutherland1
  13. Absolutely! We get plenty of storms, plenty of water, but I can’t remember the last time we had quite this much lightning and thunder.
  14. No breeze. The air just feels heavy and far worse tonight than earlier.
  15. Branch blew off and hit house so hard (landed on the gutter) that it opened up a kitchen cabinet.
  16. Dark skies and some thunder here in Carteret. ETA... well that escalated quickly...
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