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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Anyone else dealing with a severe Japanese beetle outbreak? My yard was suddenly full of them over the weekend, with enough flying around to completely fill one of those beetle bags in 12ish hours. They're totally wrecking my poor birch tree
  2. Just saw my first of the year too! Must be a strong smokey air + lightning bug correlation
  3. Wonder if the winds just shifted or something, because we just had a huge drop in the amount of smokiness in Leesburg
  4. We got enough rain in Leesburg to cause some small creek flooding. I drove past sycolin creek just before it started to seriously come over the road and banks.
  5. That looks like a cool app. I have a website I always use for rough elevation info, and now I'm wondering where they're all getting their topo data from. https://en-us.topographic-map.com/maps/blrg/Meadow-Mountain/
  6. Was pretty legit as it moved through the Leesburg area. I was on the northern periphery of the stronger winds, but it had that certain sound that comes with high winds in stronger storms. Based on radar, guessing the higher terrain just west and south of Leesburg down around stone tower winery got the worst of things. Somehow though, my neighborhood seems to be the only one without power at the moment. Never wanna be without power, but at least we're the only ones. Fingers crossed that means it'll be back on soon.
  7. Rare late night severe warning for Loudoun. Been seeing lightning flashes for a while, now just waiting to see if the storm can keep its intensity up as it continues to move east.
  8. A little gusty just before the rain moved in, but the star of the show was the hail here in Leesburg. Got up to about quarter sized before calming back down.
  9. Lots and lots of cloud to cloud lightning with this little cell moving through Loudoun right now. Good consultation prize after most of the activity from today and yesterday missed in all directions
  10. Worst gif ever, but the base was showing the tiniest little itty bitty signs of rotation just as this cell got going. Guessing lots of storms do this though, and it's only through the power of a sped up gif I noticed anything hyperlapse-20220702-202144-4x_1.mp4
  11. At least this storm looked nice as it missed me just to the north
  12. Towers going up looking towards southern Loudoun / northern PW county. Guessing we see radar light up down that way shortly
  13. Nice sky earlier after the rain was about done
  14. New hat for the summer acquired
  15. Lots of good lightning and loud thunder with that stretched out blob moving into Leesburg. Great example of a classic afternoon summer thunderstorm
  16. I did end up taking a drive in search of big hail stones. Even though I arrived 15 minutes after the hail ended there were still lots and lots at quarter size and above covering the ground. A couple examples plus some weirdo shaped hail
  17. Thanks! I feel like I should ditch my meeting and see if I can go find some big hail stones laying around lol
  18. I was stuck in a meeting and couldn't get outside, but that Loudoun cell was looking pretty beastly from inside on approach. Thankful that the worst stayed just north of me
  19. Looking like some pretty healthy rotation right now
  20. Has anyone else ever received a call from the local NWS office asking about storm damage? I've moved since originally taking the Basics 1 spotter course, so I think they were inquiring based on my old address. It's been at least 10 years since I took the class and they've never proactively reached out... Wonder if that's something new.
  21. The last heavy band that came through Leesburg like half an hour ago was pretty legit. Could barely see the neighbors house across the street for a bit
  22. Same just happened in Leesburg, sleet is giving way to snow quickly. Looks like we're a bit ahead of schedule
  23. I'm riiiiiiiiiiight on the edge of that heavier band that's setting up in Loudoun. Flake size and rates have both increased, but still is just a light snow. Hoping it keeps building and gets us all in on better rates soon.
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