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Everything posted by the_other_guy

  1. No offense man, now you are trolling. Whatever his past, he was fundamentally correct when he said it was a bad setup that wouldnt lead to much for NYC or Long Island. 1 hour of snow and sleet that added up to an inch before rain washed it away. I drove to JFK the next day at noon...a spec of snow or a puddle from melting were impossible to find. See below photo. Meanwhile, several posters deriding him on this site held tight with 3-6/2-4/1-3 wish casts. He was correct...or closer to correct. Ill step off my soapbox now...sometimes what is right needs to be called out. Frankly, he earned a stripe with the last storm in my book
  2. Solid sheet of ice out there this morning. The rain just froze with an air temperature of 32 or lower throughout the event and cold snow/sleet on the ground. 32.7F now
  3. Temp already jumped to 30.4F since last post. NYC absolutely will be rain shortly Ive never seen a temp rise so rapidly in a winter storm. Almost a degree per 30 mins
  4. 3 inches or so. Sleet still going. Temp rising rapidly. 29.8F
  5. Because they are! They were awful north of Albany
  6. Live drive Adirondacks to Westchester Snow began at Glens Falls Heavy snow in Capital Region Sleet mxing at Windham All sleet at Saugerties Road conditions bad north of Saugerties Much improved with sleet 4-5 inches on grnd
  7. Exactly as forecast one week ago and 24 hours ago. Models are damn good. You just have to see what they are showing, even if you dont want to see it.
  8. In Albany...and they are taking about changeover and mixing up here. Perspective. Im sorry, I say this in the least offensive way...Too much wishcasting on this forum. ”Front end dump” ”Extended period of icing” ”Cold air is locked in at the beginning” These things almost never happen in the New York City metro area. You can tell me when they have happened...it happens so rarely. This is the second storm in a row that looks bad, plain and simple. we are talking ourselves into salvation with something that’s very rare in this region.
  9. Re Snow days. The world has changed a lot in the last 20 years. Things that were acceptable in the 80s and 90s and not acceptable now. NYC never closed schools. Never. In 1994 we had several huge snowstorms where schools were open. Thank liability; thank social media. Thank a softer world. That is why you have more snow days now.
  10. So it started off looking like all snow, then it looked like a cutter, Then it showed snow again, then we were talking about transition times on two different waves as it trended warmer. I’m talking about January 20 of course what are you guys all talking about?
  11. Just reading the threads and the model updates...this all looks very familiar. Like we did this same exact thing 2 weeks ago. Just saying...
  12. Anyone see accuweather spring forecast? “Cold and Snowy start” for our region. That irony me laugh a bit
  13. Had to deuce this morning for frost at JFK. It was ironic given the hazy sunny morning that developed quickly.
  14. Feb 95 saw one storm with around 10 inches of snow. Ended as a bit of rain. Turned sharply colder for a week or so...and that was our winter.
  15. It wont be a torch. Not the pattern this year. Couple of above normal periods, but as another poster said: cold/dry, warm/rain, cold/dry...rinse and repeat. We will probably eek our a few more dustings in between that and a more significant storm one time. Dont look for prince charming to arrive on a horse though... At this point, I dont know if this is banter or astute observations?
  16. 10.6F. Why is this wasted cold? Been a great few days if you like winter...enjoy it!
  17. Not true today. Bottomed out at 530. On its way back up since then. .8F for low, now 1.1F
  18. 3.9F Lost 1.1 degrees in 45 mins. I will go out on a limb and say tonight will be the big story of this winter Enjoy it boys, it may be the best we get!
  19. Drive from JFK to Westchester More snow fell south today than up here. 5F and falling
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