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Everything posted by the_other_guy

  1. City/LI/North in the 70s anytime I checked today. Still in the 70s. 73F Here now. clouds.
  2. I must be missing something with this talk of 90 today in this forum. Im at 76F at 245pm. It is pouring...again. The only thing today will be is a BN day. What are other posters seeing that I am missing?
  3. Severe TStorm Warning....and man is it warranted! Like the end of time in westchester!
  4. Just landed at JFK. Lots of ominous looking cumulonimbus from JFK on West. I’m thinking this is going to be a fun afternoon and I’m glad I flew early!
  5. Massive storm over the Sound. Never a drop on north shore
  6. When you look up and see a widebody is on final approach to Islip, you know something bad is happening in the JFK area!
  7. Towering Cumulus down spine of island a few miles south of North Shore
  8. Those elusive 90s still seem elusive next week after all?
  9. North shore sunny today. Perfect beach day...although cool for swimming. Nice shot from last night
  10. 72F clouds and sun in Wading River. This weather is delightful. If I never felt the humidity I felt yesterday all summer long...I would be happy.
  11. It is a statistical anomaly (or reality) NYC has a “normal” low temp that is higher than East North and Western areas. The extreme dampness has kept the low/high temp in a narrower band This favors NYC “normal” which has a narrower band on the historical front and plays against suburban areas that should have lows in the 50s but are near 60 with clouds and humidity. Def interesting scenario
  12. Wasn’t enough warm air to get and AN May 4/5 days ago either. You start running out of days to turn around the entire month
  13. For the second night in a row im delayed many hours into JFK. I hate this wx haha Area Airports ground stopped or 3.5 hour delays.
  14. Perhaps I should predict wx? haha Amazing how the forecast changed so much for the Mon/Tues timeframe!
  15. those elusive Euro 95F days. We shall see... It is rainy and 59F at 645am...again
  16. If you are at the beach with sandy soil or pure sand, It is one of the few plants that will grow. It grows to a good height...And when used properly, it protects non-beach plants plant in front of it by acting as a wind break. Wind kills more landscaping at the beach than salt or sand does. Wind does not kill this plant. That is key to it acting like a barrier to the elements. If you are trying to create a dune or stabilize a cliff...it does that well too. Beyond that, yes, it is a weed that wants to spread and attracts a ton of bees during its bloom period (which is short). Privet, Olive and Cypress all do well in the sand...but if you are open to the water...You better have a wall in front of them or this plant...if not the wind will kill the side of the plant facing the water
  17. After the miserable heat/humidity last summer, sign me up for a 96 summer this year! That was a cool spring that finally popped around Mem Day, correct? The AC was on 2 or 3 times the whole summer.
  18. Another morning with heat on. This warm/wet spring has come with plenty of cold mornings and cool windy days
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