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Everything posted by the_other_guy

  1. After all that...a normal January temp wise. Haha. Would have thought the world was ending if you read through this monthly thread. Perspective!
  2. Im not sure why anyone in NYC was happy or excited about prospects here. It has been pretty obvious for past 3 hours... in race between temps and precip...temps werent fast enough Aint happening
  3. Looks like rain/snow line has moved in wrong direction as precipitation has picked up?
  4. With regards to Climate Change in respect to THIS winter in THIS sub forum: Regions West of us above normal snow Regions North of us normal to above normal snow Regions South of us above normal snow Philly-Boston is in a snow hole. If we cry Climate change for every regional anomaly that we dont like, we distract from the real issues of climate change and give fodder to those that dont like CC facts. How does the Climate Change discussion fit into a regional discussion when talking about cities in Maine this winter? Or Chicago? If anything, the last few regional winters have demonstrated climate change extremes in a much more obvious way than this one has: extreme warmth and monster snow storms. This winter features a cutter/hugger/suppressed pattern that seems entrenched. The one particularly alarming thing about this winter is the early snow followed by nothing. One has to wonder if Nov did not happen, would we be making a run at the lowest total ever in CPK?
  5. That is opinion. Both will kill you if you are exposed...that is fact
  6. Lake Plaid routinely gets down to -20 during cold snaps...ive been there twice for it...it aint pretty, but not as bad as you think. At some point cold is just cold.
  7. Anybody else looking at that -12F for a high temp this week in Chicago? We are barely getting the edge of that airmass.
  8. Just perspective on this winter… Near normal (slightly AN) temperatures and not much snow. You go back to November and you start charting it out...that is what you get. Seems lost on this site, But we have not witnessed the AN temperature extremes we have gotten over the last few years.
  9. No offense, the experts on this forum kept telling us about snow and cold for xmas week until the Saturday before xmas. Please, with all respect to the experts and the patterns that are locked in, You don’t have the ability to make a zero snowfall February and March prediction during the last week of January. If bad patterns and AN temps meant no snow, NYC would have had a few snowless winters over the past few years. Again, no offense meant...but let’s get real with LR forecasting...especially being in uncharted territory with Pacific waters
  10. Just want to say...Park City skiing...feet of snow. 2 feet in town...more on hills
  11. That is amazing as it is 39 here less than 15 miles north. And I was in Queens earlier this evening where it was 44.
  12. You are in a much colder climate than most people in the metro area. up in the Newberg area you could have snow on the ground that sticks around even in marginal temperatures . Not so in the 5 boros. Most people think of 2015 and 16 as featuring the largest snowstorm ever… But it was gone Very quickly because it was a ridiculously warm winter.
  13. But that means you don’t enjoy winter correct ? I’m just thinking if you like cold and snow this winter Has been more consistently cold than recent winters. For instance, that miracle snowstorm last February… Book ended by 70° weather...I would trade that snowstorm for consistently cold February with chances of snow. The last few winters have featured snow that falls and quickly melts
  14. Anybody else not all gloom and doom about this winter? Frankly, despite the lack of snow, I am enjoying the consistent cold and almost no extreme warmth that was featured in our last few winters. Other than the 2 weeks around the Holidays, most of this winter from Nov onward has been surprisingly seasonal or BN...something we haven’t seen in a long time. If I never save another 60 or 70 during winter months, I would be happy!
  15. You guys are assuming a back loaded El Nino was a given. Looking at a list of historical El Ninos in February that someone posted a couple of weeks back, perhaps being in uncharted territory is a good thing. El Nino February was/is no sure bet, historically speaking
  16. You know its cold when a bottle of Coke left outside explodes. I believe that is a 5 or 6F underneath all that frozen soda.
  17. You have snowpack helping you...city does not. 16F in Hastings. We will go to single digits.
  18. Back up to 39 now. And here comes the heavy backside rain
  19. Lost 2° in the past hour. 34F Not going to be 47 today
  20. About one month left of “real” winter before normal highs start climbing into mid 40s.
  21. 36F Light Rain Inch to and Inch 1/2 of icy snow turning to slush. Lots of adjectives that dont add up to much
  22. What are you guys using for radar now? I was an Intellicast guy...dont know what the hell went on there...but that is gone
  23. No mixing along Hudson in Westchester yet. I imagine those mixing in westchester are near coast
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