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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. I mean JFK and EWR have always been cooler on radiationally exceptional nights, it's usually 2 degrees cooler for JFK which is something I've noticed, but sometimes it can be much more than that, up to 10 degrees colder on exceptional nights when there is no wind and the skies are clear all night.
  2. The weather now doesn't relate to winter snow, our snow season realistically coincides with astronomical winter, we don't usually get our first accumulating snowfall until the later part of December anyway
  3. Even as Ms. Pelosi vowed in San Francisco to protect those climate provisions, at least four people in Washington close to the negotiations called the clean electricity program “dead.” Senator Tina Smith, Democrat of Minnesota and the chief author of the program, said that while dropping it might win Mr. Manchin’s vote on the budget bill, it could cost hers — and those of other Democrats focused on the environment. “We must have strong climate action in the Build Back Better budget,” she said. “I’m open to all approaches, but as I’ve said, I will not support a budget deal that does not get us where we need to go on climate action. There are 50 Democratic senators and it’s going to take every one of our votes to get this budget passed.” Mr. Manchin, who has personal financial ties to the coal industry, had initially intended to write the details of the program as the chairman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Mr. Manchin was considering a clean electricity program that would reward utilities for switching from coal to natural gas, which is less polluting but still emits carbon dioxide and can leak methane, another greenhouse gas. Mr. Manchin’s home state, West Virginia, is one of the nation’s top producers of coal and gas. But in recent days Mr. Manchin indicated to the administration that he was now completely opposed to a clean energy program, people familiar with the discussions said. As a result, White House staffers are scrambling to calculate the impact on emissions from other climate measures in the bill, including tax incentives for renewable energy producers and tax credits for consumers who purchase electric vehicles. Unlike a clean energy program, tax incentives tend to expire after a set period of time, and do not have the market-shifting power of a more durable strategy.
  4. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/15/climate/biden-clean-energy-manchin.html “This is absolutely the most important climate policy in the package,” said Leah Stokes, an expert on climate policy, who has been advising Senate Democrats on how to craft the program. “We fundamentally need it to meet our climate goals. That’s just the reality. And now we can’t. So this is pretty sad.” The setback also means that President Biden will have a weakened hand when he travels to Glasgow in two weeks for a major United Nations climate change summit. He had hoped to point to the clean electricity program as evidence that the United States, the world’s largest emitter of planet-warming pollution, was serious about changing course and leading a global effort to fight climate change. Mr. Biden has vowed that the United States will cut its emissions 50 percent from 2005 levels by 2030. The rest of the world remains deeply wary of the United States’ commitment to tackling global warming after four years in which former President Donald J. Trump openly mocked the science of climate change and enacted policies that encouraged more drilling and burning of fossil fuels. “This will create a huge problem for the White House in Glasgow,” said David G. Victor, co-director of the Deep Decarbonization Initiative at the University of California, San Diego. “If you see the president coming in and saying all the right things with all the right aspirations, and then one of the earliest tests of whether he can deliver falls apart, it creates the question of whether you can believe him.”
  5. I have a FAR better idea- let's cut West Virginia out of the United States. It is a useless place and we wont miss it. Then let them do whatever they want on their own.
  6. a/c has been helping me with allergies the last couple of days/nights
  7. how do you avoid the mosquitoes and the ragweed? I am spraying for both I want to KILL EVERYTHING
  8. uhm Kennedy and Newark radiate MUCH better than either NYC or LGA, I have seen JFK sometimes be 10 degrees colder for lows than LGA and 5-6 degreed colder than NYC, and I've been 5-6 degrees colder than JFK and I'm 4 miles to its SE.
  9. Yes perfect for A/C, best thing about A/C is that it reduces my allergies
  10. You didnt mention JFK's high, it actually seemed hotter today than yesterday
  11. But how come no TC in the entire basin most of this month?
  12. let's just do some aerial spraying to kill all mosquitoes and ragweed and it's perfect
  13. https://twitter.com/i/events/1449121549286469635 Series of large asteroids to fly past Earth, starting tonight Several large asteroids will pass closely by Earth in coming weeks, USA Today reports. The first, the 525-foot wide 2021 SM3, will whiz past Earth on October 15 according to NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies. Seven larger asteroids are predicted to pass close by Earth before the end of November, the biggest of which, 2004 UE, has a diameter of 1,246 feet, USA Today reports. At 2.1 million miles, asteroid 1996 VB3, will pass closest to Earth on October 20. Scientists say that, although very close by interstellar standards, none of the asteroids will be visible without a telescope. On October 16, NASA will launch a spacecraft, Lucy, on a 12-year mission to observe eight asteroids in Jupiter’s Trojan asteroid field, CNN and the New York Times report. Keep it here for asteroid action and reaction.
  14. I read the short story and just knew it had to have an extension.....the short story ended on a weird cliffhanger, like something you really wouldn't expect. Basically it ended where his ship was being boarded by security forces for inspection and it just didn't make any sense to end it there. I bet he always intended to make it a novel but didn't get around to it for a decade. And when the book ended, it made me wish for a sequel, thats the main reason why I read the other books, but they weren't like this one. The trio of writers (one of whom is a noted physicist) did the first book justice, the transition is seamless, as if he had written it himself.
  15. the only things I dont like about this are the mosquitoes and the rag weed. How much spraying do I need to do to get rid of both?
  16. I saw this today.....they are talking about 2500, I think all of this will become reality by 2100! https://twitter.com/i/events/1449024925105328130 Earth could be ALIEN to humans by 2500 Researchers led from Leeds University modeled the Earth's future climates. They illustrated the changes they predict by 2500 in the worst-case situation. The findings illustrate the importance of modeling beyond 2100, they said.
  17. Schmitz expanded the original short story into a novel which he published in the mid 60s and won the Nebula award for best sci fi novel in 1967.....is that the one you read or did you read the original short story from the 50s? I suggest reading the full book first if you only read the short story before moving on to the sequels.
  18. from now on autumn only lasts 30 days- the month of November, or 61 days if December is mild
  19. I love these downslope days! Wish we had more of them during the summer.
  20. eh those are usually minor, we get those now with a wind gust lol. Used to it, everyone needs to have generators.
  21. didnt we have a big triple phaser that month?
  22. end of October storms have a history of being, well, historic.....
  23. I hate that-- this extended warm summer is really enjoyable outside of the mosquitoes.
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