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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. had accumulating snow in both November and April in 1995-96 that was awesome
  2. He's probably thinking of Feb 2013
  3. Jan 2016 was the greatest snowfall of my life, I will take that again and dont care about anything else
  4. is this volcano in the Canary Is going to have any affect on the climate?
  5. its very easy for the fossil fuel cartels to brainwash people in these low information states, some decisions need to be hard wired into the system and beyond the minds of voters and politicians, remember what I said about benevolent dictatorships.
  6. they need the snow and cold a lot more than we do, they need to build up the snow pack out west, let's hope it gets down to Flagstaff and Tahoe, etc.
  7. Thanks Don! Did it get into the 40s at JFK this morning? By the time I woke up it was already 52 lol
  8. It needs to be added to the constitution and be made permanent
  9. It is considered the rarest rainbow of them all. https://www.boredpanda.com/rare-quadruple-rainbow-double-rainbow-amanda-curtis-long-island-ny/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic Yesterday, a woman in Long Island, NY named Amanda Curtis was lucky enough to capture the rarest rainbow of them all – a quadruple rainbow. Her incredibly rare photo, and the excitement it inspired among commenters when it went viral, called to mind the viral ‘Double Rainbow’ video by Paul Vasquez. According to meteorologists, what Curtis actually saw was a double-double rainbow, but that doesn’t make it any less magical. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) research meteorologist Paul Neiman told the Washington Post that the second double rainbow resulted from the sun’s light reflecting off of a nearby body of water; “a large glassy-smooth water surface is required behind the observer. This smooth water surface reflects the sun, such that a second solar light source is generated. This reflected sun […] creates a second primary and secondary rainbow on the opposite side of the sky from the sun.”
  10. wow huge difference between Central Park and JFK.....foliage again?
  11. Beautiful Don! I have heard because of the number of prismatic surfaces available near bodies of water, near places like the Long Island Sound you can actually see quadruple rainbows! (Two double rainbows!)
  12. Yeah especially after seeing that sparking and hearing popping noises I dont think I'm using that one anymore. I used the other one for a bit because it was only smoking in the beginning (I think dust is trapped in it which also caused the slight burning smell), but that went away after a few minutes, but I will get the one that was recommended and I just shut that one down for the night. My bedroom is warm enough now anyway (I had it on from 3 to 8 PM)
  13. ps we also need to dramatically scale back animal farming and land use
  14. We need some really bad things to happen before we get the really good changes we need. I have always believed that
  15. Progress happens, even if slowly! The first fossil fuel free steel! https://twitter.com/i/events/1450112105621999616 Volvo dump trunk made from 100% green steel!
  16. Hey Don did JFK get down into the 40s and stay in the 50s today too?
  17. Thanks, I've been looking to replace these Lasko Heaters! By the way, what is this green fluid that leaks from the cord and I see it on the outlet too? I've never seen this stuff before.
  18. I know I know but I deserved it but I said it knowing I would deserve it LOL I've been freezing my ass off and had the space heater in my bedroom on since last night. I have two of them, but I plugged in the wrong one first (the one which has green gook oozing out of the wire-- no idea what that stuff is, but I also saw that green gook in the outlet it was plugged into)- as soon as I turned that one on there was a loud crackling noise like firecrackers and I saw a bright spark near the plug, so I unplugged that one right away and won't use it anymore (of course lol). The other one works fine even though I saw a little smoke coming out of it in the beginning but after awhile that went away and it ran fine for the rest of the night and was on until this morning. I thought the sun would be out all day so I turned it off at 10 but then the clouds and wind came which I did not expect. I guess it needs to be cleaned from nonuse over the summer? I think that's why there was a little smoke and a slight burning smell when I first turned it on.
  19. Yeah I'm pissed the hell off and my allergies are acting up. I want climate engineering in the worst way to get rid of this stuff once and for all.
  20. I dont like it! I need the sun to keep me warm! and get rid of this damn wind thats making my allergies act up today. I thought it was supposed to be sunny and clear today, another major short term screw up!
  21. II hate this damn wind it's making my allergies act up! I turned on my bedroom space heater for the first time last night
  22. February 2015 reminds me of January 2004, neither went below 0. It's just really hard to go below 0. JFK hasn't gone below 0 since January 1985 which surprises me, I know for sure I went below zero in January 1994 on the south shore of western Nassau, -3 as a matter of fact.
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