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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. SST near or below freezing so a breeze off the ocean caused freezing drizzle lol
  2. Thanks do you find it interesting how our biggest snowstorms have shifted from February to January too?
  3. We've had some amazing Januarys and Februarys too. Funny thing about the 70s and 80s, Januarys were much colder back then but before January 1996 I had never experienced a foot plus snowstorm in January (too young for January 1978 to remember it), and they've become much more common since and one can argue our biggest snowstorms have now shifted from February to January.
  4. I would like to experience February 1961 that sounds like an awesome storm and with today's climate with more precip it might have topped January 2016 at JFK. I am glad I live near JFK, I'm one of the few in the area that can say I experienced a 30"+ snowstorm!
  5. big snow drought, my favorite winter in the 80s was 82-83 when we had the big snow storm...summer of 1983 was awesome too
  6. Yes but this has lasted longer.....compare Dec 2009 through October 2012.....so much excitement, two epic winters and two epic summers and an October snowstorm to cap it all off!
  7. I like dry heat.....but why cant we have the best of both worlds....for example 2009-10 winter, then 2010 summer (my favorite, hot and dry very comfy!), and then 2010-11 winter
  8. whats causing this and could it mean another extreme arctic outbreak for Texas this winter?
  9. the weather now is MUCH more exciting than it was back then
  10. much more snow now though- would you rather have the dry cold winters of back then which were boring aside from 1977-78 or the milder snowier wetter winters we have now?
  11. wow, such a difference between 70-75-80 lol. No chance of catching the 70 record is there (I assume 80 is out of reach?) 80 is actually a tipping point for me, where I have to use A/C But the last couple of days I've had to turn it on when the temps reached 75, so maybe that's a more accurate indication. I have a lot of sunlight coming in too. Today is actually enjoyable, although I was shivering last night.
  12. Thanks, JFK isn't close to any of their records are they?
  13. Thought we would have more tropical activity with all this warmth- what happened?
  14. How close to the record for 70 and 80 degree days for Newark, Don?
  15. it would be if another insect declared war on this intruder lol
  16. I'm just trying to figure out what's causing it because they hit all of a sudden at 3 in the afternoon and lasted all night. And today everything was fine, no allergies at all.... I mean WTH is going on lol. About the mosquitoes.....they somehow snuck into my house and bit me on both feet It felt awful
  17. Get in on this thread There are some climate change denialists in there saying some super dumb things
  18. I love these! The Golden Age hard cover collections I have are anthologies of classic short stories and novellas from this time period. Do you have any personal favorites? The Tumithak series was one of my personal favorites......
  19. I came up with an idea - let's see if you agree with me on this. So yesterday a bunch of us had some extremely angry reactions to the news which was completely understandable, but thinking more deeply on it and wondering what could be done to nudge politicians to do the right thing, how about this..... So the inspiration for this was finding out that 250 or so notable and pre-eminent scientists wrote a letter to the president begging him to do something substantive about climate change. My thought- that's all fine and dandy and I remember when a large group of famous scientists also wrote a letter.....to Truman, begging him not to use the atomic bomb. Did it work? No. Does it look like this letter will work? No! So how about we try a different tactic. All scientists who agree that climate change is an existential threat should immediately walk out, go on strike, stop teaching, stop researching and whatever else they do in their jobs and careers. Quit if need be. We need a nationwide strike by all scientists of good will who think climate change is an existential threat. If they truly believe that it is, and it definitely, let's grind all progress in this country to a halt, right now. Not a week from now, not a month from now, not a year from now, right effing NOW. Stop researching new drugs, stop teaching at colleges and universities, even walk out of your government science jobs at the CDC, the NWS, leave all of it right now. Send a strong message that you won't tolerate this hypocrisy we have going on and being in bed with the dirty fossil fuel cartels. Let's have a major strike by all scientists of good will, just like we had major strikes during the civil rights era in the 60s. Shut everything down, grind all progress to a halt. I see nurses are going on strike for better pay......this is an even better reason for all people in STEM fields to go on strike and make this country grind to a halt. The world is watching and the world will notice this. It will show that we mean business, even if means crashing the economy and whatever else, if you truly believe this is an existential threat this is a sacrifice you MUST make. Just like it was done for civil rights. After all, no matter what some lame so-called "superpowers" might think civil rights ARE environmental rights AND environmental rights ARE civil rights! The two have always gone hand in hand and must continue to do so as we fight the existential crises that we all face.
  20. get rid of the so-called tree of heaven, problem solved
  21. I mean it's more like early September weather, which is ideal. Ideal is temps in the 70s for highs and 50s for lows
  22. It is, there is marshland in that area around JFK, while LGA is in one of the built up sections of the city. You couldn't pay me enough to live near LGA, it's also one of the most air polluted parts of the city.
  23. https://twitter.com/i/events/1449093237424152578 The last one in this set was sobering...... climate change could be killing up to 100,000 Americans every year
  24. trying to figure out what got my allergies acting up today, started all of a sudden around 3 PM and hasn't stopped since
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