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Everything posted by Metasequoia

  1. Looks like parts of NYC are at or below freezing on this panel... Am I wrong on this?
  2. Maybe there's something to the idea of a transfer to low off Virginia afterall...
  3. From the New England forum. Check them out. They post a lot of good stuff that's often relevant to us. 0Z Ukie looks good fo Me. Would love to have soundings...
  4. Not that it matters, but here's my take... SECS - 6 TO 12 MECS - 12 TO 18 HECS - 18 TO 30 BECS - 30 PLUS
  5. The march 14th, 2017 storm gave NYC around 5 inches of sleet. It honestly was pretty interesting...and painful to be outside in. The sleet was so loud...kinda awesome. Not a weather event I'll ever forget.
  6. Yes. About a tenth or so inch of rain from tonight's rain judging by the maps
  7. 00Z Para GFS actually looks great. Cumulative precip map shows 1 plus inches of liquid.
  8. Yeah. 00Z Para GFS looks pretty good. https://mageval.ncep.noaa.gov/model-guidance-model-parameter.php?group=Model Guidance&model=GFS&area=NAMER&ps=model
  9. Let's see what the Euro Ensembles look like. Seems too early to focus on operational runs.
  10. Yeah. Seems like you can't tell where a Norlun will setup until the day of.
  11. Perhaps Snow88 is taking the perspective of North Carolina Piedmont and upstate folks (like myself) that will likely be spared Hurricane Fran-like effects. Latest forecasted storm track however would savage the coast...with catastrophic consequences.
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