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Everything posted by Yanksfan

  1. 40+ amounts were common in the northern half of Jersey with 50 and 60 amounts as you got into NY state. If the first part of the storm didn’t start out as rain, they would have been much higher. Just an incredible storm. This board would crash if we ever tracked such an extreme event.
  2. You can bet the ranch that the -NAO block will show up in April just in time to ruin our spring. I’ve seen this bad movie before.
  3. You’re telling me it is. I’ve been a weather buff since 1976, and this is the worse one yet. Heck it’s been so bad you can’t even declare winter over when it hasn’t even started.
  4. With the relentless dog crap pattern we’re in, it’s time to start thinking of all time snow futility in a season. The record is 2.8” in 72/73 which is becoming more and more realistic by the day. I love snow more than anyone on this board, but if it fails to produce, it might as well be an all timer where the snow gods pitches a shut out in NYC.
  5. My hope is by seasons end we have a salvageable winter but my confidence is slowly waning. This trifecta LaNina crap is killing us. We need a complete reshuffle of the pattern. Thank God the models are hinting at a weak ElNino next year.
  6. Yes I know it’s January 5th, but I’m starting to get gravely concerned with snow prospects this winter. I’m getting those 71/72, 01/02 vibes. Too many weather anomalies going against us; consistent trough out west, firehouse pac jet, not to mention the dreaded SE Atlantic ridge. Heck we couldn’t even score with a -5 AO! At this point I would sign up for one big snowstorm in this dogsh*t pattern.
  7. Just your run of the mill 15 ft snowstorm with sub zero temps. Sign me up!!!
  8. Calm down and let’s put things into perspective. We got a long way to go with this one. Can this beast go Benchmark and crush the I-95 area? It has the potential. However at this far out juncture an inland runner to even a missed phase is on the table as well.
  9. 12Z CMC trending towards a larger front end snow dump for end of week storm.
  10. What ever happened to the good OL’ days when you had a storm coming up the coast with DC to Boston gets snow blitzed. The past decade or so everything’s all about the timing and threading the needle.
  11. Ah the southern slider solution. No worries. At this point in time I’d rather see this than a cutter. Growing potential for a winter storm threat late next week. This block means business.
  12. Yep it sure is. Multiple threats during the run with the big snow bomb out in fantasy land for good measure.
  13. Thank goodness. I started putting up Xmas lights this past weekend and it was uncomfortable to say the least. This upcoming mild spell comes at the right time.
  14. Let it torch in November for all I could care as long as we flip to a colder regime around Thanksgiving.
  15. Not only is there more trough interaction, but the WAR is stronger as well. If the Euro is correct, there’s a very good chance of a capture/ track up the eastern seaboard. Interesting times ahead.
  16. Part of me wants a Cat 4 cane just off the VA capes roll up the coastline. Just think of the angst this board would have to endure.
  17. Please don’t tell me we’re in for another clunker this winter.
  18. It’s going to be a challenge for me to attain normal snowfall average which is 30”. I currently have 17”.
  19. Other then a couple of moderate events it’s been an awful winter. Im going to need a MECS in March just to get to normal annual snowfall but I’m not holding my breath on it. Already looking forward to a better setup next winter with an El Niño forcasted.
  20. ICON brings the V-day storm up the coast.
  21. I guess we can put that February torch talk to bed.
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