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Everything posted by dailylurker

  1. Pouring again here in the AA county swamp jungle. Heavy rain developed right overhead and hasn't moved in 45 minutes. Probably getting close to another inch on top of the inch that fell last evening.
  2. Wettest summer ever ongoing here in AA County. Another inch in the bucket for today and still lightly raining.
  3. Yeah. I got 7.20" from the tropical storm and 2.85" last night. I said near 10" because I figured the trees might of interfered a little.
  4. My point and click has rain chances most of next week. I haven't been out to check how much fell last evening but I'd estimate 3". Close to 10" in 4 days.
  5. I'm jealous. I wanted to get on the rain train. Looks pretty lame up our way. Hopefully tomorrow produces. 79, cloudy and muggy
  6. Sitting out here watching the clouds start rolling in from the south. Bit of a breeze kicking up in the past few minutes as well. Weird vibe out here. Birds seems rather quiet. Something is definitely on the horizon.
  7. Lots of clay and organic material in this western shore soil. I actually added a bunch of sand to my garden soil this year. Really helped the drainage issue. I've been on the winning side of the thunderstorm rains this season.
  8. It's so swamped here that I'm positive about the big rain on Tuesday. Been a swamp here all summer. I'm not complaining and I hope I get crushed. Feels and looks tropical out there. 81/76
  9. Good news is that reality is usually opposite of what models show. Looks like a good winter incoming.
  10. Close to an inch last evening and overnight. Been a swamp in my area this summer.
  11. Really lit up! Surprised how quiet it is in here. Hearing some low rumbling to my south with that wall of water.
  12. Radar looks good to me. At least for my area. I've got fogged up windows and 88 degrees outside. Our climo is flexing it's tropical muscle.
  13. Yup. A second cucumber crop is doable. I start it around July 4th also.
  14. Totally normal. I plant a second crop around July 4th. Old plants are done but new ones are looking great. I'll start picking that batch in a couple weeks.
  15. Radar suddenly lit up all around the DC area. It's been a strobe light here with loud thunder and rain since it got dark. Looks like a loud night ahead. I love these kind of summer nights.
  16. Perfect evening for my gardens. No severe weather and a nice steady soaking rain. So far I've had .63 and it's steadily raining.
  17. Can't wait for our 33 and rain for days on end this winter. 78 but not as bad as yesterday morning.
  18. This summer has made up for the years of every summer storm missing me to the north by 5 miles. It's like a steamy jungle out near my corn stands. My garden is happy about the nearly .60" that fell just in my yard. Back up to 94. DP is at least 80 if I had to guess. Maybe 82-83 about 45 minutes ago next to corn stand.
  19. Did it rain? Went in a took a nap around 2:30 with a clear radar. Got up at 4 and noticed windows fogged up. Went outside and noticed about a half in of rain in bucket and still a clear radar. Weird
  20. I gave up the beer and just smoke the "something" now lol. Only 84 here with a decent breeze. Not looking forward to the garden stressing temps starting tomorrow. It will help my sweet corn get sweeter.
  21. The DC heat streak is totally weak. It has actually been pretty nice so far this summer. That may change next week.
  22. More then that. Skeeters are massive and fungal issues are out of control in the garden. I've got corn falling over due to soil becoming mud and rotting tomato plants. It's something EVERY season.
  23. We've been getting hammered all summer. My area has had a pretty incredible amount of rain in the past month. I picked up 3" yesterday and overnight.
  24. Looks like another 4" training storm event for AACO. It's been pretty incredibly wet in my local area for the past month.
  25. Heavy tropical rain and lightning here at the moment. Hopefully it stays just heavy rain. I don't need any strong winds right now.
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