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Everything posted by WxWatcher007

  1. Just picked up a quick .09 in advance of the main slug. Shame it weakened lol.
  2. 95L looks pretty solid right now. Agree with Windspeed that we’re probably looking at early August-ish for more conducive conditions but if that convection can persist for 95L it could be able to hold the drier air surrounding it at bay.
  3. Invest 95L doesn’t look bad this morning.
  4. I have electric tools for the house, but early on I had to use a gas powered blower because leaf pickup on my property is legit work. I hated watching gas spill on my patio and such, and the sound/smell, but I did what I had to do. I’ve had to go big with electric tools as a result. 80v mower and trimmer, which both work well now for the size of the job. I hate to broad brush, but I feel like anyone with a yard that requires work knows that you do whatever it takes to get the job done. Hopefully changes in technology make it easier to use electric.
  5. Complete dud but congrats SW CT. Some damage in Westport and a 51G at BDR.
  6. Ground barely wet here as that line weakened and moved north. Can set my watch to it these days even though this is a record wet month lol.
  7. Back to regularly scheduled programming of a weakening line approaching despite solid instability.
  8. To Tip’s earlier point. From my go-to presentation on PREs. Atlantic recurve tropical cyclone tracks and the Atlantic recurve PRE locations.
  9. Keep all these cutoff lows in the GL region through August and there’s going to be an above climo EC threat window.
  10. I honestly wasn’t even plugged into tropical the last two weeks with my trip but came across the same today. EPS had a modest signal in the long range too.
  11. Window opens late July early August IMO. Watch the steering pattern..
  12. From earlier in the neighborhood. They are "downstream" from my house which is on a hill.
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