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Everything posted by WxWatcher007

  1. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of it next January.
  2. I think it was close enough yesterday. Just happens to be typical early season slop. Interesting that it developed in the coolest part of the Gulf.
  3. Not the most successful day, but still got a few wins.
  4. Even odds the stuff near Springfield/BDL dries up before reaching me. God, I sound like TBlizz.
  5. It’s insanely hard, and deeply frustrating as a result. Between the trees, local road network, and interstate traffic, it’s awful. I’ve been able to get ahead of some in the past by doing what you mentioned, but that’s the exception to the rule. Had these storms developed west, I would have had a couple of good viewing spots nearby. Oh well. I’m just bored.
  6. Very frustrated. Tried to chase the cell that popped just to my south because it looked promising, but could never get where I needed to be. My area just sucks for anything interesting. It is what it is.
  7. Nice looking cell right by @Sey-Mour Snow
  8. Cloud cover from the missed storms taking down my temp lol. High of 93.3 today.
  9. Not a bad series of cells up there. Probably quite a bit of rain too with some training going on.
  10. Nothing spectacular but 38k ft top on that cell near Blandford, MA.
  11. Running six degrees ahead of yesterday’s temperature at this part of the day.
  12. Agree. Thought we’d see a more well-defined circulation but this is pretty close to a tropical cyclone if it’s not there already.
  13. More TS winds in the newest data. Just need to find a well-defined LLC now IMO.
  14. Some tropical storm winds at flight level and via SFMR on the latest batch of data from recon.
  15. Recon descending into 91L now. You can tell via visible satellite that dry air is nearby, but the circulation does look better defined at least at the mid level.
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