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Everything posted by hudsonvalley21

  1. The 10:1 ratios more than likely won't happen with this type of system. This will probably come down to a now casting event.
  2. 12 z NAM is showing that. But you know the NAM is definitely out to far now. We'll keep on watching the trends.
  3. Same here with 7" OTG. Had 3" of sleet yesterday and an inch of snow this afternoon. Since 5:30pm had another 3" of snow and is still coming down at a steady clip. We could get a couple of inches more. I have a flowering pear tree that didn't drop its leaves and is being bent to its limits.
  4. Just came back in from shoveling again. Have another 3" since 5:30. Beautiful photos.
  5. Last nights 3" of compacted ice pellet cement was a bi*ch to get off the pavement this morning. Had to use a metal shovel to break it up.
  6. Agree, this set up comes down to now casting. Not everyone will win here. But some think they should win every time.
  7. We'll see where the banding sets up. There is some more development south of eastern LI let's see how much it develops and pinwheels back around.
  8. I have about the same amount of frozen ice pellets. It's getting like a brick now. As for the HRRR it looks like the banding is setting up in NEPA/NW NJ northeast up to the Albany area.
  9. Everyone is still in the game. It all depends on the actual placement of the low and when the deform bands develop. Any adjustment of 20 -30 miles could move that band 20-30 miles too. Won't know till tomorrow.
  10. Up this way too the winds are now easterly and between 5-10. Pushing out that wedge of warm air. All snow now. 24/21
  11. All snow here. Temp up to a blistering 24 from 23 for the last few hours. Easterly wind now around 5-10 mph.
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