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The Alchemist

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Everything posted by The Alchemist

  1. 9.5 inches at 29˚/29˚ here in Saluda. Heavy dime sized flakes with a light breeze. Rates look to be about 2.5 inches an hour. (Rates extrapolated from a 15 minute accumulation measurement.). Was out moving snow of the deck and ramp, could here creaking and popping branches. Power has blinked several times the past few hours, really don't expect it to last the night.
  2. About 3.5 here in Saluda NC. Very fine flakes, very wet snow. I would call it moderate snow at 32.6˚
  3. Snow was mixing in at work when I left at 3 pm, (ICC Spindale), but as I got on 74 it was just rain, then started mixing back to snow at the Polk county line... all snow as I started up the grade on I-26. Surprised it took so long. Currently 33.6 and moderate snow here in Saluda NC
  4. I had read somewhere (maybe this site) that the HRRR is good with moisture, the NAM is good with temperature and the RGEM is good with airflow, does that still hold true? or is that just one viewpoint? .
  5. He’s headed in the wrong direction. I’m thinking the jackpot area is Brevard/Hendersonville, really think 18” is a possibility Edit, the clown maps with 27 “ are really pretty to look at, just don’t think they’re that realistic. I’d love to be proven wrong .
  6. Am I correct in thinking that with the upslope effect and the storm possibly tracking a little to the south that Saluda/Flat Rock/ Hendersonville might be the sweet spot? .
  7. There goes the neighborhood!!!
  8. Sitting at 36.2/35.8 here in Saluda NC, Might not amount to anything down this way but a cold rain....
  9. 576?!?! Holy crap!!! I had to do the math to figure that out[emoji15] 24 days out... yeah like that will happen... I’m as much a weenie as the next guy and I’d love it if it verifies... but I never knew any model ran that far out .
  10. Well, we had 64˚ for a low this morning in Saluda NC, so it's a start. However 64˚ with fog is still crappy fall weather. I noticed two things last night. The poplar trees are dropping brown leaves and the underbrush behind my house is fading in color. Also, the Katydids are even tired of this heat, they stopped their nightly calls last night completely.
  11. Getting worried about Hwy 176 Saluda to Tryon.. friends have told me that after the May flooding and slides it really will not take much to start the mountain moving again .
  12. I think I spy a frost advisory for the upper half of Minnesota, a cool down can’t be too far away... hopefully!!! .
  13. Wow even the banter thread is quiet tonight ... this cold dry airmass really suppresses everything.... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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