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The Alchemist

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Everything posted by The Alchemist

  1. The radar looks fierce with this line coming through tonight. Surprised there are no watches up even for wind… Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. We finished out with 13.75 here in Saluda…. However, with forecast temp of only 35 tomorrow I don’t think I’m gonna be going anywhere even on Tuesday Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. That dry slot seems to be filling in. Interesting seeing the SW flow of moisture swing through in eastern GA http://synoptic.envsci.rutgers.edu/site/radimg/anim_nrc.gif
  4. Almost all sleet here, at 21˚/18˚... switched in 5 minutes...11.5 inches on the deck....
  5. Looks about 10.5 here in Saluda NC 22˚/19˚. very light wind moderate sized flakes.... no mixing yet Edit, at 22˚ I don't know if we'd see any mixing here unless the temps go up at least 4˚... Temps and dews have been dropping all morning
  6. Reed is live-streaming from Travelers Rest... Edit he's on FB with the stream... only one on the road down there...
  7. and one more... I think I might be going for 14" by the end of today....
  8. sorry not too good at uploading pics... here is my deck.... not too windy here thankfully
  9. A healthy 5 inches on the deck here in Saluda NC at 25.1/22.6
  10. Snow started in Saluda NC exactly at midnight…. 32/25 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Over in the mountain sub forum... its a quieter place...
  12. I think the possible sweet spot zone is Highlands, Cashiers, Brevard, Zirconia, Saluda, Etowah, Dana up toward Gerton. Somebody along that line jackpots with 22 - 24 inches Edit: unless your on Mitchell, I think 36 - 40 is almost a given up there
  13. Looks like 16 or so over here in Saluda… I’d take half that and call it a win [emoji3587][emoji3587][emoji3587] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Looks like some radar indicated flakes this morning along the TN/NC border and the far southwest mountains. Can anybody verify? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. I’ll take any temp below 80… yard work is miserable in these conditions .
  16. Anybody see the current radar for Asheville? Looks like cell division happening…. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. It’s interesting looking at the radar right now, it seems like every rain return is moving in its own direction Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. A low this morning of 50 in Saluda NC. It’s been a long time since we’ve been that chilly on June 1 .
  19. I was just finishing up bringing more wood into the house and checking the fire in the wood stove, not believing that we would really get much more than 2-3 inches... wow was I wrong... Added - It’s amazing how the ingredients came together just right... I remember walking into town, it was a moderate snow with no wind... then in town I could hear the thunder... I got back home just as the wind picked up and an hour later we lost power... mom was making sauce and we had to finish it on the wood stove... woke up Sunday morning and it was 5 degrees... power came back on about midday... then we drove down to tryon... I remember following power trucks cutting their way into Tryon on 176... parked at five points in Gillette woods and walked to Jeanne Parker’s house... brought her up to Saluda... she didn’t get power back until the following Friday... all I can say is I will never wish for snow on my birthday ever again... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Sitting in Pardee in H’ville NC waiting on my gallbladder surgery to start at 5.... really worried about this one, Saluda NC hasn’t seen a bad ice storm since late January 2010 and I think we are due... wife is out stocking up on food, and had a friend prep my generator... I.m ready but post surgery limitation will prevent any heavy work for three weeks... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. Huh? Thunder in Spindale at the college, didn’t expect that... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Edit: just eating lunch at my desk and tuned into TWC, ( I know...sue me...). Seems so weird to see a winter mix way down past Houston and know that there might not be anything on the NC/SC boarder. ...and I can’t believe that pileup on I-35 down in Texas!
  22. Ended up with 5.5” down this way, though I think some places to my west (Zirconia, Tuxedo) might have more like 7”... stopped around 2am last night. Currently 37.6 with a light WNW breeze. The great melting has begun. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. 5 inches in Saluda at 31.2˚, and the video to prove it... https://www.facebook.com/jimm.brink/videos/10218752070534685
  24. Light to moderate snow up here at 31.2˚ I'll let the video link speak for itself... https://www.facebook.com/jimm.brink/videos/10218752070534685
  25. Almost heavy snow here, 32.4˚ about 4 inches on the deck rails...seems that when it gets more moderate the flakes get bigger, but the heaver it gets the smaller the flakes... looks like it is going to do this for the next several hours... might it be March 2009 all over again? we ended up with 12.4" forecast said 1 - 3"
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