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About FlatLander48

  • Birthday 11/02/1994

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Monroe, NC

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  1. Yep, I’m in Waxhaw today hanging around town, I’m over winter officially. Bring on spring and pool days.
  2. I know everyone is wanting snow, but actually getting to see the sun again is nice.
  3. NGL, This warmth tonight makes me want spring.
  4. well according to the GFS, I have the biggest snow of the season this weekend (4.8 inches). So Imma sit here until that folds.
  5. Would ya look at the gradient going right up 85, that means it's a lock lol
  6. Has Brad P. done that thing where he calculates long range "fantasy snow"? I can imagine it's gonna be incredibly high this winter.
  7. Hey now, they have a dollar general now, it's on the up and up. HRRR trying to increase snow around Union county, NC to the East just slightly. Honestly, if if there's half an inch of accumulation I'd be ecstatic with this storm.
  8. Man, that thing literally went North, South, East AND West according to the thread.
  9. Considering how long a lot of posters have been here, I thought we were years past just taking surface maps as the gospel on every single run and not even looking at the upper charts.
  10. I agree with this, though I'd make it more like 10 minutes. Everyone gets two timeouts and one challenge maybe?
  11. Something, something ***"insert constant sun angle comments here*** something....
  12. I'll split the blame since I nominated you to do it lol
  13. Alright, I'm out on this one, gonna be lucky to eek out flurries even in Monroe. On to next Wednesday!
  14. Man, you cliff jumped all the way down to reality.
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