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Everything posted by wx2fish

  1. -6F high at the First CT Lake. Pretty solid even by their standards.
  2. Looks like it's snowing pretty good on the Pittsburg web cams, so it probably won't be too much longer
  3. I do like the cold is centered below 850 on the soundings. That should limit super deep mixing/moderation
  4. Nice, that's about what I was figuring. A little above average but not super fluff. I need to order a new stratus
  5. I'm just north of Methuen and I'm at about 5.5". Steady light snow still, decent little band just to the east
  6. 5", continues to snow pretty well. Better than radar would suggest
  7. It's not real high ratio stuff here either. We never got into the real good snowgrowth in that band. Purely a guess, but I'd probably say 12:1 type stuff. Probably end up around 5ish total
  8. You'd probably get similar to him that hrrr run, he may struggle a bit early on. It was still a good run for your area, but well see what the nam does
  9. Seems like 93 is basically shut down from exits 3 to 5
  10. Inching up slowly, 31F. Driveway is a disaster
  11. 18z nam is pretty aggressive with a flip to decent period of snow for southern NH and NE MA after about 10pm
  12. Still all ZR here at the moment. 30.5. Decent glaze with some saggage
  13. Getting closer. Pouring now, inched up 29.5
  14. HRRR is pretty nasty tomorrow, even close to the coast near the onset. 495 corridor may struggle to hit 32 for most of the day.
  15. Goal posts seem to widening, not narrowing. Pretty wild differences.
  16. In a great spot for this event and radio silence. It's probably temporary but the sleet line just got beat back on CC and its trying to flip back to snow
  17. Been struggling here with varying intensities of light snow. Drove a couple miles north into Derry, it's ripping and coated up.
  18. Yep. My uncle in Andover got smoked along with you guys. Quite the storm.
  19. Nobody better at pissing and moaning their way to 18".
  20. I saw a little graupel around 3-4pm yesterday
  21. Most of the weenie outer cape cwop stations are g70+ now, Truro tickled to 80 in the past half hour
  22. 0z nam looked a tad slower, ramps up the LLJ by 6z, but doesnt max it across SE MA til around 9z
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