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Cold Miser

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Everything posted by Cold Miser

  1. I'm going with 5.5" here at my sh.it spot in Dayville (aka Lava Lake). With the saturated snow that came in the mid morning there's probably 2-3 on the ground still, if that. Crap in, crap out.
  2. I've had about 5" so far here at Lava Lake, but it's so wet and compacted at this point its hard to get a true measurement.
  3. Post some snow pics from today in the bustling mecca of Dover, and change the narrative (I'm guessing that you can't, but give it the good ole red tagger try). Only you can make change happen!
  4. No obs page, so I guess this is it. Surprised to see the warning still up after the trends and depression in here last night. About 2" here so far.
  5. lol. My 11" from last season laughs at your 15", and my 8" this season chuckles at your so called 12" of futility.
  6. Meanwhile in the Adirondacks... This guy is an avid snowmobiler and lives on the eastern edge of Tug Hill in the Adirondacks. He lives and breaths riding, and normally puts out in-depth trail reports. Mailing it in on Feb 9th.
  7. Nah...Just run it off the dock over here right into lava lake.
  8. Couldn't happen. Damn thing doesn't work anyway...even after the tune up and work done to it 14 months ago. Luckily there's been no use for it since 2022.
  9. All is good. It's just snow. I'm rooting for a second year of futility at this point.
  10. ...I found snow not too far from me. It's still white like I remember it.
  11. Snow? Whats that? Still at around 8" for the season for me. Every once in a while I see a pile of snow in a parking lot.
  12. lol. It's like getting hold of a genie in a bottle and wishing for a bowl of chicken soup.
  13. ...misremembering...misgendering...misdemeanor...misfit.
  14. How can there be gravy without a main course to put it on? ...I'm still waiting on the main course, or at least a dried out chicken wing appetizer that's been sitting under the heat lamp for a few days.
  15. Plenty of time for that if we get an early February torch.
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