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Cold Miser

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Everything posted by Cold Miser

  1. About 1" at home on Lava lake. Ride to work was fine. Roads have been overly treated with metal eating salt. Season total @ 7.75"
  2. 1/2" maybe. Sh.it will disappear faster than my hair did after college once it gets into the 40s and 50s
  3. Woke up to a frozen lake yesterday morning ...All so it can slowly melt away over the coming days. (The underground lava river must have temporarily stopped flowing)
  4. Don't forget my area with the 6.25" so far. I am on par to hopefully not beat last year's winter of 11". Fingers crossed for torches and rain all the way through March.
  5. https://youtu.be/gXLY1Svth-w?si=usUHmDyTuS5gWHK0
  6. ...Winter walk kind of day. Cove has been frozen for a while... You can see one of my neighbors setting up ice fishing on the left, and another neighbor on the right clearing off the snow for ice hockey. But, you can also see the open lake in the distance... Water, and what always seems to be a perpetual nw wind that never allows the water to be still to freeze. Breeze...all day, every day for infinity. That plus what must be a hidden river of LAVA under the lake are aiding in it not freezing. Just 10 miles away a bigger lake in Mass is completely frozen, plus every small and large pond in between.
  7. 100% positive you were smilin' while typing that.
  8. I have used similar guidance to determine thickness...But I would not go on to ice that was less than 5 or so inches. I can't imagine the ice being more than a few inches in the Taunton area.
  9. F.uckers can be nasty. People who rent places here learn real quick not to feed them. They come right out of the water and chase people.
  10. Really, with ust a couple of constant days below freezing?
  11. Looks and feels like winter. Lake not frozen so the geese are digging the scene.
  12. Congrats Baltimore. Maybe Lamar Jackson is a closet snow weenie. Not smilin. I am officially over the half foot mark for the season with 6.25" after yesterday's .5". Not too far from 18" for combined last season and this season.
  13. For those interested in some tug hill snow cams, many of the snowmobile clubs and local establishments have them up, and can be found here: @WinterWolf https://www.northernchateau.com/w/webcam61.html
  14. You robbed me of my additional .25 (2.25 total) on your map. lol.
  15. About an hour after. The actual measured amount was less, but I added .25+ for compaction, etc.
  16. Why? What's the WX connection/connection with a post in this thread with this? ...Or out of all of the different internet forums that you have open at once (minimum of 10), did you post this one here by mistake?
  17. ...Not terribly windy last night, but Eversource was prepared by setting up the portable generator that would be used to get our neighborhood running if the power went out. My main route to work was closed due to a particular spot along the Mashamoquet Brook in Pomfret that frequently washes over route 101. If the road does not close, the area sometimes becomes a spot for people to stop and take photos of the house that becomes surrounded by water. During very heavy events the dude sand bags himself in. (see photo below) Driving to work there were multiple spots along route 6 where it was apparent that water washed over the road over night.
  18. lol. Right? With this logic I might as well shut the shades until November for my next chance at seeing snow. What buffoonery.
  19. @The 4 Seasons...3.5" total here in Dayville village in Killingly (more of a lower, western part of the snowier east East Killingly area)
  20. My call of a whopping 2-4 for my area verified. 3.5" total for my part of Gayville (Dayville) while the totals around me were any where from 6" to 9".
  21. Temps must be dropping...That 1.25" of heavy, water logged snow is turning into a nasty sheet of ice. I just went and cleared windshields and sh.it is starting to freeze solid. Nasty. Eversource dropped off a large portable generator to power our neighborhood again in anticipation of heavy lines today and the wind follow up this week. Damage is coming here, but not in the form of heavy snow.
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