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Everything posted by RandyHolt

  1. Its unhealthy for mods to embrace their mod role too seriously. Been there done that on a sports board - just walk away. People seem to have lost their minds more than ever in my lifetime - and its not just pecker heads pecking away on a keyboard anonymously. Just like our beloved climate - we are witnessing big changes across the board.
  2. I didn't clear a spot to measure proper but I am in Rockville and it sure seems like more than 6" but I hadn't seen anyone else report over 6" until your post. I am going 6.4" but think its still snowing here.
  3. the plane that landed on Loudoun County Parkway - live feed
  4. Four Seasons Landscaping LLC armed with leaf blowers
  5. I said it earlier in the season - the expression rapid intensification is being re-defined - rapidly. Run of the mill standard RI can be RI1. Explosive intensification can be RI5.
  6. Good stuff. I got to meet Al Bumbry and he was really nice while giving tips to kids. He was the 1973 AL Rookie of the year and Vietnam vet tank commander - he is an O's legend.
  7. It seems the expression rapid intensification had been used too loosely in the past, or maybe Lee just redefined it. I'll be in southern new england next weekend for an outdoor family reunion... i'll bring the galoshes.
  8. But like a true american, driving in a hurricane with his headlights off.
  9. Few tracked exactly where the toxic clouds went. Maybe some think: what goes around comes around. What goes up must come down. Where are the particles anyways - did they get all taken down in canadian precip acid snows in Ontario, or head to Sweden or circle the globe or get suspended at 60K with "weather" balloons - care to venture a guess. I posted here for info on our risk re: particle flow but not a single person replied despite pretty easily potentially being in our backyards and snow talk a non starter. I finally found Justin's writeups days later. We got lucky. You know few outside of weather circles have any idea about upper level winds; they know about the jet stream. If the EPA working with NWS provided even basic information early on it would remove all speculation. Preburn off winds were very strong and it went in all directions the first few days. Post burn off the toxic cloud moved largely N the NE. Lucky that shit didnt come here but the burnoff got it over the eastern continental divide. Here is a burnday.gif but believe that all moved NE. I believe the very cold temps that day kept it a lower elevation. https://aircocalc-www.createlab.org/pardumps/plumeviz/experiments/video/ohio-train-fire/20230206.mp4
  10. I follow that guy for fire news. I just shined 2 few green laser pointers upwards outside and can confirm dust is falling in the Rock. I held my breath and then closed the windows I had opened from the heatwave and cranked up the HEPA. Go check with a flashlight? but my green laser pointer does a much better job of picking up dust.
  11. Getting a dusting here. Pollen seems early but it would be yellow. https://twitter.com/MoCoFireWire/status/1628962831222677505?s=20
  12. @ge0 I finally found met coverage https://justinweather.com/2023/02/17/new-videos-of-toxic-water-in-east-palestine-plus-dispersion-from-train-derailment-burn/
  13. Well it finally appears like I have gotten my answer. It snowed acid in Ontario. Tracking huge toxic plumes of smoke sure seems like a job for mets and simple to do. EPA ignored my inquiries but I don't trust them after 9/11 anyways. Maybe we dodged an acidic bullet here for this sub. I live near major roads and have never seen polluted ice. https://twitter.com/UpwardNewsHQ/status/1627325630323822592?s=20
  14. What kind of cloud is this lol. Vinyl Chloride becomes HCL. Acid rain and my scalp feels off today. It's probably no where near as bad as those Texas chemical plant disasters sure but since tracking snow is a thing of the past thought folks here may be interested in looking back at wind patterns and see where this toxic cloud went since it may effect you or someone you know, here. The LaSalle IL fire last month never even made the news. Staying on topic where did the toxic cloud Super Blow. And Mahomes sold the call.
  15. Curious if anyone would venture a guess of where the toxic cloud of smoke from the palestine ohio train crash chemical burnoff went, and a rough timeline? Most curious if there is any chance of toxins in today's rain in the DC area. 6 days ago I would guess its in Sweden by now but seems obvious to me weather dictates all of it so I ask here. EPA is of no help of course. Thanks.
  16. Saw the same here in Rainville. MSN is desperate for clicks yet doesn't realize it will forever drive away people from using them for weather.
  17. Still hanging our hats on our glorious cup win but repeated 1st round exits since hurts. Met a dude randomly at a winery 2 days after Willy got hurt and he told me Willy would be injured well into this season. Still wonder how the guy knew that but damn missing Willy in the loffs for all but 10 minutes hurt. Tending will be improved but fear the next few years will evolve to see if Ovi can catch 99. I am losing faith in BMac and Lavy and the latest pickups are meh. I do wish they would give Connor more of an offensive role AND PP time to help his development but fear he is going to bust out under Lavy. We keep bringing in vets and kids development stagnates. That all said I love our chances hockey is an odd sport where a few bounces go your way and you are well on your way to the conference finals.
  18. It's troubling that I didn't see anyone boarding up like old school floridians knew to do. No traffic jams fleeing the area. No video of thousands packed into safe shelters. I am sure I missed some but saw none. Media is definitely laser focused on the peak wind and CAT # - and I will throw in there central pressure. For the layman that number means nothing to them as they likely don't know if higher or lower is worse for their safety.
  19. Best storm surge timelapse I have ever seen & wanted to share. Focusing on the palms in the foreground I missed the house being washed away.
  20. Yeah media hype is assumed so I set out to search and found ZERO reports. I find NWS sites clunky and I struggle to find specific past data. I did since find an excellent time lapse that shows ~15' but understand NWS reporting isn't easy nor a priority now but its not hard to determine heights in the vids we see. Thanks for the reply.
  21. If anyone has a link to Ian storm surge reports (of any spotter reports for that matter) please share. I see ABC news saying 18' but I am skeptical yet cannot find any. Thanks.
  22. Happy to see others have moved on from Deet. Love me some Off FamilyCare - continuous spray of course.
  23. It's a little breezy out here in Poplarville
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