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Everything posted by hooralph

  1. Awesome lighting and thunder. A summer classic.
  2. I think that’s the full year. I think it comes from a national study. You can click on the article and then go to the research.
  3. Forgive me if this was shared previously; relevant to the CPK discussion and the summer in general. Very localized heat island map. I was gratified to find I live by that “cooler” tongue on the UWS; I suspect the streets (esp the wide ones : 106 and 110) providing more of a channel for upsloping winds. https://www.thecity.nyc/2023/07/26/heat-island-hot-map-temperature/
  4. These things have been falling apart before hitting Manhattan like Adams put up some deflector shield.
  5. Pretty garden variety strong thunderstorm on UWS.
  6. Eyeballing about 2.5” here in Riverside Park. Maybe closer to 3? Glorious morning. I usually get coffee and just take a walk in the park. This one is perfect.
  7. Just got on the subway to head downtown. I’d estimate 2.75 to 3 on the bench, with glorious fat flakes coming down. Snow is somehow accumulating on the cast iron skillet that is Riverside Drive (main road).
  8. yeah, it has picked up substantially since I complained. Not sure I'd say "heavy" yet but getting there fast now (also on UWS)
  9. How is the Euro still putting us in the bullseye? There's a lot of work to do here in the city (speaking of rates and what I can see of accumulation on cars, etc)
  10. eager to see this "destroying" you speaketh of as rates since I got up have sucked.
  11. It was not an overnight event. Destroyed the evening commute. Started at 2, peak was 4-6 PM. So heaviest was during dark, but just after. https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/ny/new-york-city/KNYC/date/2018-11-15
  12. Not to beat this horse to a second death, but here’s Amsterdam Ave on 11/15/2018. I checked the dailies for the month and the days prior were in 40s and 50s. We hadn’t had a freeze yet in 2018. Heat island, yes. It’s not the surface of the sun.
  13. that is one of my favorite surprise storms. just went haywire overproducing.
  14. Brilliant graphic. No way to know what they are forecasting for NYC.
  15. PD3 Jefferson's Revenge
  16. Forgive the off topic question (but since this where folks are...) Does anyone know where you can get historic hourly data for a station? In this case, Central Park. Honestly would only want the past month or so, but will take more if available.
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