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Everything posted by LongBeachSurfFreak

  1. Really wonderful night, coming home to the elderly women who lives in the basement apartment bellow me. Her stuff is all the over my patio, I feel so bad… there’s nothing I can do, it all happened while I was at work. So sad….
  2. Just got word from my sis my dads basement is flooded. Going to tackle it in the morning. Just finished a 12 hour day dealing with floods at work.
  3. I’m worried about going home. If that line continues east I’ll have to head to my dads in wantagh to pump his basement. He’s in Spain currently. So two places to worry about.
  4. The jfk area is going to end up the jackpot. Not that you really want to be in this type of situation. Luckily for me I live on the first floor of a house in lynbrook, the basement which is almost the same size as my apartment was also available at the time for half what I pay, I looked at it, and thought, yeah no floods. Having lived in Long Beach during my 20s that’s an important lesson.
  5. Starting to get some ridiculous flash flooding on campus on the uws. The next hours going to be intense with this band pivoting over the city
  6. Yeah this isn’t a big wind event. Though with 5” of rain even a 40mph gust can knock down a few weak trees. This is really going to be about (the Bronx river ppkwy is under 8’ of water”
  7. I’m not looking forward to it, I have to be at work to deal with any potential flooding too. Almost feel like I should just stay, and sleep In my shop. Where ever the heaviest axis sets up, could be a 100 year flood type event with all the resulting damage.
  8. You don’t want anything to do with this. I was in Manhattan during ida, every stair case on my campus was a waterfall. Every basement of every building flooded. For the sake of lives and property I hope this is a major model fail.
  9. Just had to pull two life guard stands out of the ocean that floated almost a mile after falling in so to erosion. Beaches have really taken a hit this month. With a nino winter on the way it will only get worse.
  10. The surf is gigantic, being in a boat would be hell, if not straight up dangerous
  11. Sideways rain and monster chop in Zach’s bay for the Jones beach Ironman. The swim is still on as of now…
  12. Ahhhh haaaaa! I am life guarding the race! I’m good friends with the water safety coordinator and he’s insisting as of now it’s a go. I tried to no avail to convince him that the orientation of Zach’s bay being east to west means the chop is funneled right to the race start! Well, I fully expect them to cancel in the am…
  13. See my last post. I’ll add this, the large swells Lee created that effected the coast also had an upwelling effect.
  14. That’s not correct. Lee produced a large area of strong offshore winds all the way to the Carolina’s. Offshore winds created upwelling (I would need 10 pages to explain the process) it happened.
  15. Shorter window than you would think. It has a few more hours to play with the Gulf Stream before it hits the shallow shelf waters. Those waters were significantly upwelled during Lee.
  16. I was thinking the same thing. Some amazing tropical transitioning accruing. If this had started a few hundred miles further south we would have a beast of a hurricane.
  17. Where has Ldub been?????? I guess he lost faith after his 0/0/0 august forecast. Expect his return after Nigel goes extra trop and we have a brief break. I think this season is a big sign of what’s to come in the future. Record warm OHC overwhelms traditional teleconnections.
  18. I was generalizing about the upcoming cold season. This weekends storm is pretty meh. Though it does have some upside potential if all goes right with full moon tides.
  19. I think we are in for our best nor’easter in many many years. Record warm coastal waters and a strong El Niño. Just a hunch.
  20. Beat me! Great rainbow in lynbrook, Long Island. Way under producer as far as precip though.
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