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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. I remember back when we used to get occasional cold and snow. Heck, there was a time when it actually went below freezing at night!
  2. Not a drop in the last 10 days now.
  3. The exact same storm movements, time after time.
  4. We do exactly 5 things well here: heat, humidity, drought, wind, and smoke.
  5. Since that multi-day drizzlefest last month that got me just over an inch - and it's been so long now that I don't know the dates - my yard has received 0.5" of rain.
  6. Lol. Another shut out while portions of the same areas get hammered yet again.
  7. I didn't know you lived in Stephens City. Howdy neighbor!
  8. The repeated ways to miss storms here is simply incomprehensible. Literally defies belief.
  9. WTF is it CVA is ground zero for every GD thunderstorm?
  10. No problem getting storms in NY. Been battling through them all afternoon. More thunderstorms in one day than i see in an entire summer back home.
  11. I'm up in the Catskills. I see a nearby PWS at home recorded 1.10" yesterday. That one is 1/4 mile to my east. There is another about 1/4 mile to my west with .04". Lol. I'll be able to look at my yard when I get back Sunday and tell which side of the fence I was on. I have pretty big hunch already...
  12. What on earth made you want to go to Vegas in summer??
  13. This is Stephens City in a nut shell.
  14. Yes. Not great, but better. And always 4F cooler. The Sahara is better than Stephens City.
  15. Morning clouds with no rain followed by afternoon clear skies and searing heat, and all the clouds and storms north of Winchester and points east. Carbon copy of yesterday.
  16. That's for sure. Was under these all morning and didn't produce a single drop of rain.
  17. Good to see that last night produced like yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and ......
  18. Another day, another shut out. The only storms today formed north of winchester.
  19. Yes, about 6 weeks ago. Just in time for mega-drought.
  20. Had a solid line approach from the SW and it split right around us. We're getting light drizzle while thunder booms. .03". Jesus fucking christ. Why did i move back to this cursed place.
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