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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. Wake me when there is a LP coming up from the gulf south. This is just tiresome.
  2. I can look in every direction and see storms. Except due west, upstream of me of course.
  3. Yes. Have seen plenty around here too. As well as dropping leaves. Totally due to drought stress.
  4. Ha! True. But the reality is I can't see it using mobile. I did just update it though.
  5. I moved back to Stephens City in May. God help me.
  6. Yep. If you've been getting rain this month, congratulations, you're getting more tomorrow. Meanwhile, if you haven't gotten rain this summer....
  7. And for the cherry on top, a storm sliding just to my south. Hearing the thunder and close enough to see the rain curtain. Cursed place.
  8. I can only go back to May 18, that's when I moved back here (Lord, kill me). I've got: .31" May 18 - 30 2.25" June 1.05" July So, less than 4" the past 9 weeks. Unreal. It's literally fucking unbelievable.
  9. You'll need to go the southern part of the Shenandoah Valley for good foliage this year. Simply astounding the difference in conditions this summer.
  10. Lol. Another day where the same areas get deluged and the usual are sunny, dry, and hot. Noticing a lot of trees dropping leaves around here. Everything that is not being irrigated is already burned to a crisp. And now we head into 4 days of upper 90s. There will be nothing left. This is the driest I have ever seen this place, and that is saying something.
  11. Relative to what? July is solidly AN.
  12. All I keep reading on here is about this nice summer. I don't see it. It's been consistently above normal since the end of June. Maybe it's a local thing since it hasn't rained out here. But it seems like it's hit 90F almost every day this month, including today. And we are definitely adding at least another 5 days to that tally this week. ETA: pulled the data...yep, only 4 days this month below 90F. This summer is more 2010 than 2014.
  13. It's pretty nice out this evening.
  14. So much for all the talk of no big heat in sight. That changed in a hurry.
  15. Picked up .52". We needed 5.2", but good to see all the "have nots" finally get some rain. Things are noticeably less brown this morning.
  16. I've seen this show enough times to know exactly how it will go. My next chance of rain will come sometime in late fall when there is finally a GD low that tracks south of us.
  17. I remember back when we used to get occasional cold and snow. Heck, there was a time when it actually went below freezing at night!
  18. Not a drop in the last 10 days now.
  19. The exact same storm movements, time after time.
  20. We do exactly 5 things well here: heat, humidity, drought, wind, and smoke.
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