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Everything posted by calculus1

  1. Here's a cool video of the shadows of the flakes under the streetlight on the road: Here's one looking up at the light. These flakes were huge!
  2. Here's a couple pics from my walk:
  3. It was so beautiful and quite outside. We have an inch on elevated surfaces and a half inch on the road. My footprints were covered by the time I got back to the house. 32.3/31
  4. Heavy snow right now! Big flakes. 32.6/31. Grass, sidewalk, roads all covered. Going walking...
  5. Look at the warm bubble over Burke and McDowell Counties. Sucks.
  6. Down to 33.1/31 now. Temp keeps slowly dropping and the flakes keep coming!
  7. Yes, all snow. Nice large flakes. I'm not good at measuring rates, though. It's moderate, I would say. Probably not SN+. Heaviest returns just to my SW, though. We will see what that brings...
  8. @BullCityWx , you are right on Brad P. Totally trying to cover his butt: "Measure fast as it will melt fast." Translation: "I was wrong about the snowfall, so I hope it melts fast and no one will notice when they wake up in the morning." [emoji16] Sent from my moto e5 supra using Tapatalk
  9. 34/32. Beautiful snowfall... Sent from my moto e5 supra using Tapatalk
  10. Nice big flakes falling here in NE Hickory now. [emoji16] Sent from my moto e5 supra using Tapatalk
  11. Rain/Snow mix here now. Sent from my moto e5 supra using Tapatalk
  12. 39/33 here in NE Hickory. Nothing making it to the ground yet. Check that. Very light drizzle. Sent from my moto e5 supra using Tapatalk
  13. 48.7/22 right now after a low of 24. Temps are just soaring up there right now. Does not bode well for tonight. Sent from my moto e5 supra using Tapatalk
  14. Wow! That will be a big change, in so many ways: Valdese, NC, to Buffalo, NY.
  15. Wow! 14 degrees warmer in Hickory? Ese es mucho no bueno. This has been the coldest winter in a long time (it seems), and yet nothing much to show for it in the winter precipitation area.
  16. Absolutely gorgeous photos, @Tyler Penland. I love the pony pic in the snow, as well as the one you posted yesterday. Thanks for sharing.
  17. The 12Z GFSV16 just has wintry event after wintry event trekking through WNC through the end of its run. Wowza!
  18. Hickory is stuck at 33 for the duration of the event, though. That would limit accumulations here. To the north and west, they would do much better.
  19. I think we've got something here for Saturday night into Sunday on the 12Z NAM...
  20. Very, very nice pics too, @Met1985. Interesting to see the pictures while the clouds are still very low, in contrast to @snowbird1230's photos with the clear blue sky. Each set is beautiful in its own right.
  21. @snowbird1230, do you actually live right off the Skyway? How do you get access to the road? I assumed it would be closed under these conditions. Your pictures are amazing, though, and I am thankful you do have access to show us these beautiful shots. Thanks so much!
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