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Everything posted by BlizzardNole

  1. I can attest to those high amounts in upper Mont Co. I stepped into my garden bed the other day and my foot sank about four inches. Already 82 at 10 am -- gonna be a hot one!
  2. 1.1 for the event. Now looking forward to some beautiful weather this weekend!
  3. Yikes hope it works out. I'll never forget the incredible base-ball sized hail that smashed the Kettering neighborhood in the Largo area. I still remember the date July 10, 1978. Every house needed new roofs (houses were just 9 years old at that point) and all windows facing west were shattered and people covered them with plastic. It was disastrous. Something about Kettering -- it also got a tornado in 1971 that took off roofs and destroyed carports. I remember it clearly even though I was only 4. I wonder if that's what started my interest in weather.
  4. I remember that Amazon facility that got hit a while back -- can't remember where that was. That was scary! Amazon workers are the awesome sauce
  5. Just like that time a couple weeks ago upstate NY is basking in upper 70s/low 80s while were in this
  6. Pardon the non-Mid Atlantic topic but what's with that large wedge tornado in Texas yesterday that reporters keep saying has "wind gusts of 70 mph?" I just saw this quote in another article. 70 mph? after photos and videos of a gigantic tornado near Morton circulated online. The storm has wind gusts up to 70 mph, NWS officials in Lubbock said.
  7. That is cool! Looks like a shock wave
  8. Beautiful today but looking dreary the next couple days. I bet we don't get out of the upper 50s tomorrow. The coming weekend looks nice -- summery but not too hot.
  9. Not severe in Germantown but some good lightning and rolling thunder. I love those kind of storms at night
  10. Just had the most intense thunderstorm I've seen in years here. I was just arriving back from College Park after moving kids out of apartment and it hit right as we got off 270. We crawled the last three miles with 50-60 mph winds, blinding rain and close lightning. Got home and was pleasantly surprised to see my dozens of seedlings and flowers still on a table out in the yard -- I was afraid they would have been blown off. Just as I said "phew" the HAIL started! I got real worried for a minute but it was never more than nicked sized. I don't like hail. At all. I have seen baseball sized hail twice in my life -- Kettering, MD in 1978 and Orlando, FL in 1992 where windows were smashed, cars and roofs were ruined, and I never want to see it again.
  11. Look at the difference between the Naval Academy and just a few miles away! People near the Bay are loving the free AC
  12. Imagine planning an outdoor May wedding this year -- 1st Saturday upper 40s with rain, 2nd Saturday light rain and cool, 3rd Saturday mid-upper 90s. Ah, May in the Mid-Atlantic
  13. Parents (4 miles south of Dunkirk) said marble-sized hail and wind, and the rain was so intense for a few minutes that it overtopped the gutters. They have a new car and no garage/carport so they were really relieved when the hail didn't get bigger
  14. My parents live in northern Calvert, just south of Dunkirk. Might be a little wild there
  15. This will be the latest I ever get my garden in! I really need a few dry days - hopefully coming up this week. I've got trays of milkweed, lantana, rue, annual vinca and sunpatiens ready to go. I had one black swallowtail chrysalis over the winter that hatched last week. Little fella
  16. Nice day again. It's weird looking at the temp map and seeing upper 80s/low 90s all the way past Montreal, while South Carolina is sitting in the 60s
  17. Very nice afternoon in the 70s and variable clouds. Going to be great walking weather in a little while. I can't believe the same low that detonated last weekend's weather is coming back to get us this weekend
  18. I don't have a gauge out but the Rainfall Map has me at 1.5 new overnight and 3.3 for the event. The grass is so green it glows LOL Sorry to anyone that had outside plans this weekend. Imagine couples that picked today for an outdoor wedding
  19. Some bits out of that disco with the obligatory why not February A strong, slow moving coastal storm That secondary low will continue to develop off the coast and sit with little movement Saturday into Sunday initial thump of overrunning precipitation As the coastal low spins up...frontogenetic precipitation on its northwest flank
  20. My maples are full leafed out now with not a single whirlybird seed. I can't believe it! Maybe it was that chainsaw stare I gave them last summer
  21. That back-door front sure gave us a "wedgie" but the sun is finally peaking out. WV is cooking with temps in the mid/upper 80s
  22. Low of 33. Looking forward to some beautiful weather starting today
  23. That's a great pic! I was in Calvert last weekend and saw a couple tigers. None up in upper MontCo yet
  24. WTOP has an article on the 20-year anniversary of the La Plata Tornado. What a monster that thing was
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