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Everything posted by Disc

  1. Appears to be tracking almost over the Mall at Fairfield Commons. Densely populated area.
  2. TDS and a debris ball on it in reflectivity.
  3. https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/md/md0699.html
  4. High risk expanded to include the OKC metro area. The discussion with this new update is scary. A serious outbreak of destructive, tornadic supercells is likely over parts of this region this afternoon into evening, especially in the high- and moderate-risk areas. Given the expected fast storm motions, especially mid-afternoon into evening, a few of the best-organized supercells may reach an equilibrium with their already very favorable mesoscale environments long enough to sustain wide, long-track tornadoes.
  5. Perhaps you weren't under the hail core of that particular storm? It's about being at the right place at the right time. However, not all storms produce severe hail. They are warned based on radar indications and a myriad of different other things the radar operator might see to warrant a severe thunderstorm warning. We do our best and make decisions on the data we have right in front of us. Hail is formed in the updraft of the storm and usually the stronger the updraft, the larger the hail. It will then fall once it's able to overcome the updraft's strength.
  6. Just now seeing this as I haven't been on. I will comment that there has been research done with intra-cloud lightning preceding an uptick in severe potential and it's usually a better indicator than CG. Many times, storms will only have intra-cloud at the beginning of their life, whereas CGs don't follow until later on. As an example, the graph below shows a scenario where you see a large uptick in intra-cloud just before there is a large jump in MESH and a hail report of up to 6". When looking at the CGs, it tends to remain much more constant, with little to no trends.
  7. A very impressive storm for this area. Stronger than the Feb Appomattox tornado in 2016 and the Elon/Amherst tornado of last year. Both were also EF3s. Edit: For some reason the animation won't work here. I guess it's not supported. So here's a link: https://i.imgur.com/aBXa6ku.gifv
  8. Today. Will be doing a survey tomorrow to determine the path and strength.
  9. Had a confirmed tornado in Franklin County, Va. Multiple structures damaged/destroyed and trees down.
  10. Watch coming soon. https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/md/2019/md0399.html
  11. Going right over the Franklin Safari Park.. housing lots of different animals.
  12. Moderate snow currently, even though it doesn't show much in the pic.
  13. New MD out: https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/md/md0111.html
  14. Lasting a bit longer than I expected it to. I was confident we'd switch over with this band moving through.
  15. About a 1/2" here east of Blacksburg. Still all snow so far..
  16. You are linking an attachment you have to be logged in to see. Others who are not logged into that site will not be able to see it.
  17. A few live stream cams to get you into the mood. https://tinsleyhd.click2stream.com/ https://52d9f0c4c24ee.click2stream.com/
  18. Nice fat flakes falling here in Blacksburg. 30 degrees. Snowing all the way down to Boone, NC this afternoon.
  19. 2.5" of packed snow, sleet, and ice. Had about 2" of snow last night before the sleet.. Light freezing mist/drizzle falling. 27.8 degrees.. bottomed out at 23 early this morning.
  20. Yeah, fortunately back to sleet, but it's been back and forth some.
  21. Well, so much for the snow. Quick transition over to sleet and freezing rain. Sitting at 24.5 degrees. I'm in trouble.
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