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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Thought I saw "smoke" along the NJ GSP Ocean to Monmouth counties...
  2. So the earth has warmed about 1.8 degrees since the 1800s. Understandably, this is not uniform across the globe. Recently, the NYC metro area seems to greatly exceed that, which should mean that there are other areas that are "below normal"? Certainly the poles are above normal as evidenced by the glacier melting rate. We are being told that temperatures in Central and South America near the equator are getting warmer as well, which they say is one reason for the unprecendented migration. Again, the NYC metro area has been way above average almost every month for the last several years. This is explained by the unusually high Pacific ocean temperatures causing circulataions to bring warmer air straight up to Alaska and affect the normal jet stream patterns. Is the global warming causing this pattern to continue in an endless cycle, which would seem to suggest that global warming will increase even greater than the greenhouse gases effect (alone)? And where are the below normal temperature areas been occuring? As an aside, I find it astonishing that scientists agreed on the CFCs causing the ozone layer holes, and people acted accordingly. I assume there is not an agreed upon (objective) model proving global warming? Are the patterns so complex that you cannot develop a reliable model to predict global warming due to greenhouse gases? I would assume yes, as they found that the oceans did absorb some of the CO2, and throw one theory into a crash and burn. I am in the camp that believes the greenhouse gases are causing global warming. How to address it is another matter.
  3. It's a given that a cold continental air mass plunges down through the center of the country (normally), then moderates as it moves east. I know Tallahassee is in the "panhandle: but can it really be that much elevated or inland to be colder than NJ?
  4. Would you dare draw a circle around where "similar" weather conditions occur, pertaining to Manhattan (winter conditions of course)?
  5. 0.44" in Linden, NJ. About the same or possibly less in Garwood, NJ.?
  6. If you walk to work or work outside. For me, I walk outside to my car and drive to work. No jacket needed, yet.
  7. You called it; under perform on the front end, over perform on the back end...
  8. Doesn't take much to fill up the reservoirs. Sometimes one good event. Supposedly the real key are winter snows (Summer snows not as much).
  9. Pressure Gradient, very strong High to the north...
  10. You called it...the bust I mean. I mean that you said the models were going to bust...
  11. Hmmmm, I think this is a weather forecasting site?
  12. I think I see the same post every 10 days?
  13. Amazing, never thought it would happen!
  14. Too bad there is no betting on forecasts (they already give you the probabilities).
  15. Sorry, I was referring to the comment attached to your entry from TWC Craig
  16. I wouldn't call lack of development or underperforming as a "dry slot".
  17. Is there any threat of something organizing in SW West Va. or is that just residual moisture that will dissipate?
  18. Weeds and crabgrass were sparse until the shower we got last week.
  19. The present radar looks like some sick demented anti-drought joke...
  20. The NWS forecast seemed to be sketchy.
  21. Maybe not Siberia, with all the problems right now, how about Svalbard Islands?
  22. I vaguely remember the interview. deBlasio would not answer certain simple questions.
  23. I certainly believe that fossil fuel gases are contributing to global warming. However, science is very divided on this subject. I guess you can argue that science is also political. Jeff Beradelli is a big proponent of man made emissions causing the warm up. I asked him to go on Sean Hannity's show, but he declined. While Hannity is a staunch conservative, I think he would have given Jeff a fair shake, if he stuck only to the science and presented it well.
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