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Everything posted by cleetussnow

  1. If this were a fascist nation, we would not be having this particular discussion. Lol. Fascist. Silly. I don’t know from what school one would get a piece paper from that would lead you to believe america was fascist but it should shut down for malpractice. If I had that piece of paper I’d tear it up and get a refund.
  2. Pretty brutal. It’s pork, but we won’t get bills passed without pork, no matter what the national emergency is. I’m from a small town but 200 million is a lot of money. Seems like a bailout to me, so I won’t judge. If corporations don’t get a backstop there won’t be any jobs for people to return to. My wife is a teacher and her pension will go bust. Yes public employees own massive massive pieces of those corporations and without them...they aren’t any public pension systems period. My wife is a huge stakeholder in American corporations.. and she works for the government! If you don’t like corporations it’s easy to resolve....all you have to do is stop buying Nike, iPhones, Fords, band aids, soap, tape, carpet, gas, food, etc. no big deal. Then you are good. You make the necessities yourself like soap, and grow food. An alternative is to get in on it! Go buy a share of Apple for example. Let’s say you like iPhones but the company is too greedy. Well, you get an envelope in the mail each year and you get to vote on who’s on the board! You can decide if they are too greedy. It’s YOUR money. If you don’t like how it goes, sell it and get a Samsung. It’s pretty democratic actually, and amazing you have that right as a shareholder.
  3. North of HPN here...had a coating this morning and mood flakes. Then misty rain mid morning wiped out the coating, but the recent burst and hour ago had parachute flakes and a new coating which is hanging on in some spots. Edit drizzle right now...
  4. Maybe a coating is in the cards up here in Westchester. It’s somewhat amusing.
  5. I’m talking about a shortage of money, not food. Money is going to dry up quick for a lot of people. We aren’t even out of the first inning and people are out of work. Edit it I see You thought I meant that gas shortages relate to what’s happening. No. I meant that as an example how quickly people lose patience in a crisis, and that one was an inconvenience.
  6. Me neighbor works at Westchester medical center which is huge. They think the virus blew through the hospital staff 2 months ago, but they had no tests.
  7. Well, the economy can’t shut down. People will be broke soon, and they will have to eat, and they will need to get money. During sandy, we had gas shortages in my area, and just within a few days, people were getting aggressive in gas lines. Less than a week. People can turn on each other faster than you think. People will do what they think they have to do, right or wrong. They will do it because the consequences to them are hunger and poverty. To me this is is going to be a game of chicken. People need to eat vs. the virus. Who breaks first? I hope the virus, but if it doesn’t the pain will be unimaginable. And I also think there could be a point where the government can’t keep a lid on people moving and the people demanding a return to normal. Patience will eventually run out on this, also sooner than you think. Weeks not months.
  8. We got a shot up here mid Westchester. Not expecting much but any snow would be at least interesting.
  9. Good plan. You will hate chicken once this clears...
  10. Germans pay for it, just the bill comes in a different envelope. Nothing is free, and Germany has problems I am glad we don’t have.
  11. Welcome to mankind. It’s never been anything but a struggle. Hobbs talked about it.
  12. Where is the link to the thread? There is more to talk about so than this thread...
  13. Just noticing the out of towners.
  14. As the snow line goes north, so do the posters. If global warming keeps up we will be in the Labrador forum.
  15. I so want to go to my camp this weekend in Old Forge. They will have 20 before this ends. Winter has suddenly appeared there with over 50 inches this month. My wife will change the locks if I go.
  16. Well it will certainly last until June 1.
  17. The climate is changing at the moment for sure, but it doesn't appear that there is some kind of long term stability/balanced/harmonious climate state, and I mean in a thousands years timescale or something like that. The Yellow Emperor, Caesar, Charlemagne, Louis the 14th, and Lincoln all had different climate as far as we know from records and accounts. Keep going back in human history before writing and its generally warmed since. I'm not sure if we can really say the climate is altered forever and that this particular observed period is vastly different than other fluxy periods. I think the human lifespan is short compared to what a significant climate episode likely is. A significant episode could be like an ice age, or some other event that extends past a few hundred year period. Is warming over 50 years meaningful? Will it last 10,000 years? I dunno. The former is within our lifetimes so it gets the most consideration since that is the only time scale anyone living can experience. Its 29 here, clear sky, light breeze today. Pretty normal for this date and locale. Does that matter?
  18. Oh I agree, but I got a 14 year old. Those 150 miles (actually 166 miles) were on high traffic trails. What starts as stutter bumps increases to deep whoopti doos by nightfall. I’m ready for Maine. The fact they give out t shirts for 150 miles is telling. We got the only ones that day.
  19. Looking for a year around campground on the vast system so I can haul my equipment up and leave it all season. This way when I want to go to Maine it’s on the way. Anywhere VT will do.
  20. I know. 250 miles per day, right? Check this out: In NY my kid and I got a free t shirt for riding 150 miles in a day last weekend. I’m still sore.
  21. Hey snowmobiling crew...Maine is happening for me next season for sure. But I need to relocate my weekend regular riding. Thinking VAST and relocating camp.
  22. Lol. If that hits I get a dry slot at my house and my camp upstate is buried until June.
  23. Verbatim dry slot crushing nyc crowd, just after the wind blown rain deluge.
  24. Ha. We get hit by. 961 low twice with that retrograde loop de dupe, and yes that would salvage winter for many.
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