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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. How about with every percent that food increases in price, the government removes subsidies for oil companies and if they decide to throw it back on the consumer, then fine them to cover the cost. When you dig deep enough, food prices have skyrocketed due to fuel costs. These oil companies continue to rake in record profits while the average consumer takes the hit and has to decide on food for their kids or rent. There is no reason why, in this country we should have people needing to cut basic needs. It is ridiculous the lack of actual affordable living around here, 1 bdroom pushing 2 grand, and even those are hard to find. I have 4 kids and am fortunate that I don't have to make these almost impossible decisions, but I grew up in the being in this position and feel for all of those who do. This is where the government needs to stand up for the people of the United States and not their lobbied pockets....Estimates are between 10 and 50 billion in subsidies for fossil fuels alone (seems to be tough to track with all of the tax loop holes). No one likes the idea of tent cities popping up all over the country, but no one wants to actually fix the problem that is leading to them in the first place....
  2. A high of 39⁰, with low dews yesterday with wind felt horrible, even in the sunshine. This morning was 16⁰, done with the nonsense cold, where was this when we needed it this winter? Lol, today should feel great by comparison...
  3. Peepers are out, heard a bunch while I was out this evening.
  4. Can't take credit for this one, my wife snapped it on her way to work this morning.....
  5. I literally have 0 inches on the ground right now....my 1 inch that fell earlier in the day has completely melted. I have never seen it snow all day long and have nothing to show for it by the end of the day. The best example of white rain that I can think of....still snowing and 34⁰. This winter can move along now.
  6. Just as I spoke about white rain, it is now pounding and accumulating on everything, temp went from 34.7 to 33.4 in 10 minutes!
  7. The heaviest white rain I have experienced for the past 2 hours....0.00" on the ground, 34.5°
  8. Heavy snow down there? Nice! Sitting at 34⁰ here. I can see snow up on the hill, just drizzle here...
  9. Looks like the Reggie out here too....WOR storm? At least on the computer, yet to verify on the ground.
  10. I think we will know in an hour or so with that next batch of heavy precip. Need to flip that over to snow...most sites around me are 35-36 degrees, so it's close at least
  11. And if it doesn't, I might never believe it again with regards to snow...how could it be that wrong, that close in?
  12. What is the gfs doing down here in swCT? That is a lot of snow, even on the kuchera maps.
  13. Moderate rain continues, temps still dropping...down to 37.8⁰, 0.19" of rain so far
  14. Thanks! Topped out at 44⁰ today, down to 39⁰ now, hopefully we keep dropping as the heavier precip comes in. Keep things close at least.
  15. Down to 39⁰, moderate rain....already 0.10" in the Davis.
  16. how is your confidence out here in the land of Luke and I? It is nice seeing the banding showing up out here...
  17. seriously, and cooler out here to start....does it still have a short term cool bias? I thought they took care of that recently.
  18. I will say this, every single model has shown something different, every 6 hours...So honestly who knows. Nowcast time, with a side of model watching. The 3k has disagreed with its cousin the entire time, except for maybe 12z yesterday. Not saying we are getting much if anything, but it is really close to at least "something"....Nam sort of, kind of looks like the GFS @ 6z, so there is something at least
  19. That is odd....Thanks anyways. From a meteorological standpoint, it will be interesting to watch this storm unfold. I expect mostly rain here, but I would assume some fun "positive" busts are going to occur somewhere. Hopefully for all of CT of course, lol...
  20. That was the "snowiest" run the GFS has had for this area, for nearly 36 hrs...interesting
  21. So just how good is the resolution? I mean, I know they are clown maps....but even a shift southeast of 10 miles make a ridiculous difference in a few inches to power outage type snows....
  22. This season has been easy to forecast for our area. Choose the least snowiest model within 24 hrs and it will be correct. No reason to change at this point. Maybe the official death of La Nina changes it this time? I may just put all my chips in on the 18z hrrr....
  23. Kutchie is surprisingly nice as well, 2ft+ in your neck of the woods
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