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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. Even worried a bit here....the valley here is quite small, but definitely a storm where I might have 4 inches and Luke 5 minutes away will have 6 or 7. I will take whatever we can get as this season no one can be picky...
  2. Love the Southbury snow hole there, they know. At least there seems to be no red flags at this point....we actually have some wiggle room for a change.
  3. 36-48 hrs hours out and most of the guidance at 12z has a general 4-8/6-10 for the entire state. Hopefully, not much fluctuation from here on out, even a tick or 2 north and we should still do pretty well. I just had my second largest snowfall yesterday of 0.5". This one should Hopefully, at least double the seasonal snowfall here....
  4. Love seeing the high pressure North of Maine getting stronger as the low is pushing towards it. Should make for some fun times in between. Hopefully we are all on the wintry side of it...
  5. Looks active too...see how Monday night goes for us down here, if the rug gets pulled for even us, it might be hard to trust any look. If that is even possible after this season. Even yesterday's half inch felt good, so there is that at least.
  6. Shafted here, only 0.5"....still looks nice and it lasted past sunset, win/win I guess, onto Monday night
  7. Actually hit 13 here, not bad especially with high clouds overhead. Definitely looks and feels like snow out there, seems like the first time all season, sheesh. If the snow could ever make it to the ground, I am sure it won't take much to accumulate despite the raging sun angle this time of the year, Lol...
  8. yup, no trust in today's Euro model unfortunately....but nice to look at for the next 4ish hours
  9. NAM wants to give us 1-3 inches tomorrow evening....would be nice, airmass is nice and cold too
  10. Seems like the EPS during the 6z/18z have been south overall, only to bounce back north 6 hours later....weird, hope they are right on the further south idea
  11. My family from PA kept reminding how nice the 70s and sun felt yesterday. Good thing we didn't experience that, most would be on the Spring train by now.....knowing very well that those numbers weren't happening until June, HA!
  12. yeah, maybe it was just the loaded pattern in December felt like it slipped away...this really is the first event inside of 5 days that has been there for more than 1 run. All of the small ones have underperformed as well. The one SWFE we had looked like a good 1-3 inches before changeover and then it just dried out before our eyes. I know its early to worry, but that March 4th system comes with the block better established, but to far SW? That one has Mid Atlantic vibes already. But, maybe that one will start marching north, 3 days out?
  13. Valid point, this one just felt different this time, so it will sting a bit if we lose it completely. But sitting at 4 inches for December/January/February is pretty impressive for our location, so even a 4-8 inch storm would be wonderful....Plenty of time to sling this back south and slow it down a bit, need to fight off those warm levels. Nam isn't even in range yet to shove the mix line up to NH, so plenty of time to go
  14. It is still 3+ days away, but unfortunately there were ways to screw this one for us down here. And here we are, watching it slip away...As we have, all winter long.
  15. Intercepted by e19 at the goal line and returned for a TD....
  16. Sure did....at this point just happy being where we are at this point. This entire winter would have had this even disappear or turn into a straight rainer by now. At 4 inches all season, even a 4-8 inch storm would be great. Still around 4 days to go, would feel worse being in the bullseye.
  17. Good, after this winter I need to start checking off the what could go wrong scenarios before expectations rise past a coating that melts by 10 am...
  18. So is there too much of a good thing? When is it congrats mid atlantic?Atlantic? Too much blocking is always a bit scary...
  19. Parachutes @37⁰ now it is sleeting and 35⁰, just can't win this winter, hopefully next week delivers....no accumulation
  20. Yup....just a bit more west coast troughiness, a little less push from the NE with a bit of SER and we will be measuring rain in inches. Hope the models have the right idea for the first time this year at this lead time
  21. All that and I am only out to day 10....what could go wrong!?!?
  22. Yup, since I take photos of almost all of the snowfalls, big and small. Most of them all look the same, except for when my children are pictured waste deep...then I remember all the details
  23. Yeah, I thought we had a chance for a 1-2 week run in February. Clearly that didn't happen, but maybe this is our 1-2 week chance coming up. Looks a lot better than the February chance ever did. Now let's see what can happen to screw things up, lol. I am sitting at 4ish inches for the season....and simple advisory snowfall could double our season total at this point. Maybe we finally get some luck on our side and run the table?
  24. Not sure what to call this....another 0.1" on the season? You can tell where yesterday's 62⁰ sun hit.
  25. JMA has picked up on some big ones in the past if I recall....Not right very often, but like the RGEM I feel like it has led the way every once in a blue moon?
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