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MN Transplant

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Everything posted by MN Transplant

  1. I consider the March 2018 wind as one of the top weather events of the past decade locally.
  2. Climo sites are all running about +4 on the month. That'll clearly get knocked back this upcoming week.
  3. No flurries, just miserable. 37.2 and wind.
  4. Is this thread where we track Saturday’s wind gusts?
  5. This is truly an awful period of weather coming up. Rain or white rain, windy, and chilly.
  6. Verbatim the GFS upper-levels and time of day are just fine for snow. It is 36/34 by the afternoon, so it is a drip-fest, but better than nothing. The late March 2013 comparison is apt.
  7. To state the obvious, you need that trough that is over us at 204 to have already gone negative by that point.
  8. Heck of a fire from a tanker truck crash in Frederick
  9. Going to have a unique 3:30pm low temp today
  10. The HRRR is quite aggressive tomorrow for wind gusts in the afternoon. NAM seems more realistic.
  11. That was a good one here. Just pounding in the middle of the night. Clumps of flakes big enough to make shadows on the ground in the streetlights. I honestly don't remember that one at all. My notes say that we had good ratios and it was cold by the end of the event.
  12. A little disorienting at 3:30am. Took me a minute to figure out what was happening!
  13. That's wild. It looks like the temps briefly dropped to the upper 40s in Newport Beach which must have been just good enough.
  14. One big difference between my totals closer to Tysons and Matt's is in March 2013. My few hundred feet pulled through twice with 4"+ storms while DC was mostly wet. I seem to have a big advantage in 2013/14 also. I'm a little sad that I can't round out a top-ten with 6"+ storms yet. 2022-23 - 0.5" to date 2021-22 - 17.8" 2020-21 - 9.3" 2019-20 - 2.2" 2018-19 - 20.3" 2017-18 - 9.5" 2016-17 - 6.2" 2015-16 - 31.0" 2014-15 - 22.7" 2013-14 - 48.3" 2012-13 - 12.5" 2011-12 - 3.1" 2010-11 - 12.5" 2009-10 - 69.0" Average - 20.3" Median - 12.5" Falls Church, VA, Elevation - 460' Top 10 individual events 1) February 5-6, 2010 - 24.7" 2) January 22-23, 2016 - 24.0" 3) December 18-19, 2009 - 19.0" 4) February 12-13, 2014 - 13.7" 4) January 12-13, 2019 - 9.8" 5) February 9-10, 2010 - 9.5" 6) March 16-17, 2014 - 9.1" 7) January 3, 2022 - 8.8" 8) January 26, 2011 - 7.5" 9) January 30, 2010 - 6.1" 10) January 21, 2014 - 5.8"
  15. Nice article by CWG today that shows that March temps have a very large impact on the bloom dates, and since we are looking at pretty average temps the fast start will be muted.
  16. If you wanted to draw up a start to the warmest year on record, this is how you'd do it.
  17. Yes, add 2014 to DCA. March 1999 was a little before the timeframe we are talking about (3/9/99). Precisely. Everything is just so stacked against us by this late in the season that expectations need to be well in check. That said, it would be so fun to have a Palm Sunday 1942 event.
  18. DCA's climo is just awful as you get to Mid-March. The last time there was a 6"+ snowstorm in Mid-March or later was the '93 superstorm. Prior to that was 1942. IAD has at least scored a couple of other times, in 1964 and 2014. All of BWI's 6"+ events appear to be 1964 or prior, with the exception of '93. But I'm sure we'll score in the warmest year on record.
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