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Everything posted by crossbowftw3

  1. Absolute deluge in the Catskills. Easily the hardest I've seen rain fall since one of our severe episodes from last spring-summer. This is swinging your way, folks.
  2. Serious deluge in the Catskills now. easily the hardest I've seen rain fall since one of the severe episodes from last Spring-Summer. Thankfully still very limited wind and severe prospects are dwindling quickly.
  3. Absolute deluge in the Catskills. If this can ingest instability as it pulls NE, look out folks.
  4. Tornado watch across NJ: https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/watch/ww0515.html Expecting this to continue to pull northeast as this is the corridor where convective development should continue.
  5. Tornado watch: https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/watch/ww0515.html More should be coming northeast as afternoon wears on and seems warranted as this is the corridor where the storms should be intensifying.
  6. Surprised there's not an MD for that bow. At current trajectory it COULD cross very close to NYC proper within a few hours.
  7. It's not been mixing well here N&W of NYC. Wasn't expected to. Inversion holding in very well. Going to need to watch convection later.
  8. Gonna be watching because any storms that swing by those areas will likely get their start near my location
  9. Gonna say that it should've probably been in place from the beginning. Same with the HWWs from Central LI east
  10. Odd to see this late in the year but not unprecedented. Most everything should shut off within the 3 hour window after sunset so if we see convection it should be firing up by 2-3 PM.
  11. Meanwhile in the Catskills wind beginning pick up now and should be strongest for the next 3-5 hours, gusts between 25-35 still seem reasonable if anything mixes down, shifting east quickly. then thereafter watching for any convection but chances seem kinda questionable with the stable layer existing. I like CNJ and points northeast of there for actual convective chances. Surprised SPC didn't expand slight risk to at least coastal areas. @wdrag what are the odds this far N&W of the city sees anything convection wise, still decent?
  12. Weak instability overall but quite good shear. Gonna be interesting to see what might fire up later since a dry slot is coming in rather quick. Should shut the rain down and increase chances for some storms.
  13. Pretty interesting to see. Accordingly BOX did hoist high wind watches. I would suspect advisories by Upton by later today. Here inland from the city I still expect only 20-30 gusts with maybe 30-40 in elevations. Current point and click has winds sustained 10-15 with gusts to 25 at my house at 750' which seems reasonable. Still have the fairly obvious inversion in soundings.
  14. Walt, Any idea on why western areas aren't exactly looking to get in on these big winds? I assume inversions in the soundings? This is the latest GIS gust map.
  15. Latest GFS. You could in theory drive from Chicago to Cleveland and go from nothing to well over a foot.
  16. Gonna be interesting to watch what happens in Ohio/Indiana. Potential very sharp snow gradient might be in play....talking nothing to at least a foot within maybe 30 miles. If not less, that is.
  17. Plausible knowing that every so often the southern states (mainly NC) get a snowstorm, with results never really pretty.
  18. Wouldn't shock me knowing that every year or so the south always gets a storm or two in December-January. The results never tend to be pretty.
  19. Line just blew through here in the Catskills. I say "Blasted" because the gusts lasted for all of four or so minutes. From my eye test we probably gusted to about 40 or so here. Line already gone, but under a severe warning which is kinda redundant at least in my immediate location. Good luck to everyone here.
  20. Checking in from the Catskills. The line blasted through just a bit ago while still not entirely organized. From my eye test I would guess we had gusts around 40-45 for about 2 minutes or so. This line is quickly becoming organized so I suspect an increase severe reports should quickly occur to my east. Good luck everyone on this forum. Under a severe warning but that's kinda redundant with the line already gone and just stratiform rain falling.
  21. If the front were timed just a bit better I think a more widespread wind event would have been at hand. Here downstate frontal arrival will still be timed far after sunset and without better mixing. Guessing better gust potential here should be with the line itself. Still like the idea of gusts 25-35 here downstate.
  22. Here downstate there doesn't look to be nearly enough mixing to produce gusts close to advisory range but 25-35 looks most reasonable
  23. Sticking only to colder surfaces and probably not much more with temperatures still at 35-36 and the precipitation ending here by around 10.
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