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Everything posted by Steve25

  1. Would anyone really be surprised with how ridiculous our weather is that we would go into March with the worst winter of all time and then suddenly we get some winter just when everyone has fully moved onto Spring?
  2. Wild to think if late February/March doesn't offer any redemption, I will have lived through Baltimore's best and worst winters of all time(in terms of snowfall) already in my lifetime.
  3. Yeah I wasn't saying you've repeated it. It's just been said A LOT in general
  4. We see a message along these lines at least once every page of this discussion, yet the pages continue to pile up
  5. I personally enjoy winter regardless of what happens because I just absolutely loathe the hot and humid weather and almost everything that comes with it. My seasonal depression is quite the opposite of everyone else. Once we hit April my mind becomes a dark place lol. It definitely SUCKS to not have the fun parts of winter this year like the snow, ice, extended cold stretches etc. Still very much at peace due to the general chill, short days, and quiet/bare nature. I do feel for those who ONLY like winter for snow. This has got to be pure torture.
  6. Just a little tidbit. If BWI does go the rest of January without recording a trace, it will be the first time ever with a clean 0 in the snow department heading into February. From the factory of useless knowledge lol. They've done a trace going into February before, but never 0.
  7. Can't kill something that was already dead.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that cold hasn't fully shown up on the other models recently, has it?
  9. This forum has officially switched from most of the users hoping for any kind of snow events... to harassing anyone hopeful for snow, telling them it will never snow again this winter or any other winter in the future in this region so get used to it
  10. That's what I've been saying. Every day that passes, BWI gets a little closer to setting the all time record!
  11. Have switched to the mindset that if it's going to be bad, let's shoot for historically bad so at least we can say we experienced a record! Still very much in play for the record lowest season snowfall for BWI. Currently standing at 0.7 in 1949/50.
  12. My point was that it keeps being repeated yet this thread continues to hype up this potential. It just doesn't make sense. We have a hard enough time getting substantial snows in general, then you add in that we're in a La Nina, and that this potential has no true cold air to tap into and the fact that there's any buzz in here just makes little sense.
  13. How many times will variations of "lack of cold air is the problem" need to be said before the reality finally sets in?
  14. I love snow as much as anyone else in here, but I also try to see things as they are and I'm officially in panic mode. Some of you will tell me "It's only January 6th, you're insane." It just feels like the writing is on the wall. So, to keep the tracking interesting, I'm seeing if BWI can take a run at the lowest all time seasonal snow totals. The lowest ever was 0.7 in 1949/50. We've also had a couple that stayed under 2 inches. If it's going to be bad, why not shoot for the record lol.
  15. Can someone explain in simple terms where the cold air is for this potential period? I see very very marginal chilly air the next few days, followed by the "red" on the models creeping back in, followed by a slight dip by the marginal blues again, then that storm threat you've been talking about, but with seemingly no significant source of legit cold air anywhere. To my untrained eye, it looks like even with a perfect track, this storm would need to manufacture its own cold air. There also appears to be no semblance of cold air behind this potential. I'm just looking at the models and having trouble seeing the potential that's being hyped up without a legitimate source of cold air.
  16. I haven't even seen flurries yet. I'll take any pure snow falling at this point.
  17. I'm genuinely at the point where I'm questioning if BWI will challenge 1949/50 which recorded the lowest winter snow total of 0.7 inches. Not only have we not seen accumulation of any kind, but I haven't even seen pure snow flakes yet. By pure I mean snow flurries or showers that aren't sloppy and mixed with rain lol.
  18. I personally couldn't ever care less about what the Icon, Ukie, or frankly even the CMC show. But when they're all in agreement with the Euro, that's a very bad sign and trend. One is going to move towards the others at 0z tonight...
  19. Counterpoint to the idea that you're living in the wrong area if you root for big storms. I'd agree if you mean you want a big storm every winter. We're going on 7 years since our last single snowfall that reached even 8 inches. Even for this area, that's a pretty extended stretch. So can't really blame the folks who are feeling that way.
  20. It's absolutely true about the days following big storms and how they can either accentuate or blur the memories a bit. There's something truly special about big snows being followed by bitter cold for at least a few days.
  21. That month of January 2016 was also the last time we went substantially into double digit snowfall for the month total at BWI. The only other month since then that reached double digits was last January when we nickled and dimed our way to about 14 inches for the month. I'm trying to think of what was our best single storm/event snow total has been since that January of 2016. Maybe like 4 to 5 inches a couple times? The itch is real for a big one.
  22. If I'm reading this correctly, is it reasonable to say we shouldn't have any real hopes for a significant snow event out of this potential for next week? If so, what type of trend for this potential should I be pulling for on the models in the coming days that you would say would lead to the most realistic shot of any type of accumulating snow, for the period around next Friday?
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